Tuesday, November 09, 2004

"Dirk is a moron and his band's music sucks. "

Some cheerful asstackler keeps posting this in the comments sections and rather than clutter them with "post deleted" shrapnel or block anonymous comments, I'm posting it here for everyone to see and evaluate who of us is a moron and/or deficient on the talent front.

If only he/she had the stones to claim credit for their erudite antagonism. Tsk tsk.


* This applies regardless of gender.


Anonymous said...

But you ARE a moron. And your band IS one of the worst I've ever heard. Just posting the truth for y'all!

Dirk Belligerent said...

You haven't heard much, cuz there's far worse out there. Perhaps your music? (You ARE a musician, I presume? You certainly aren't very articulate, so public speaking is probably not on the resume.)

Some people love Creed and hate U2, so your opinion of the relative merits (or lack thereof) and any musical endeavors I partake in is yours alone. Keep this up and you'll only make people wonder what it's all about, Asstackler.

Remember: Nothing fails at keeping people away from something more than telling people to stay away from it.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Big mouth's a definite moron but I don't think he can find enough musicians willing to put up with his egomaniacal lunacy to qualify as being an actual band. Plus the lard-ass is too old to have any chance whatsover so it's more of hobby, kind of like fantasy football or something. Except that it's ALL about the Dirk.

Anonymous said...

Big mouth's a definite moron but I don't think he can find enough musicians willing to put up with his egomaniacal lunacy to qualify as being an actual band. Plus the lard-ass is too old to have any chance whatsover so it's more of hobby, kind of like fantasy football or something. Except that it's ALL about the Dirk.

Anonymous said...

Big mouth's a definite moron but I don't think he can find enough musicians willing to put up with his egomaniacal lunacy to qualify as being an actual band. Plus the lard-ass is too old to have any chance whatsover so it's more of hobby, kind of like fantasy football or something. Except that it's ALL about the Dirk.

Anonymous said...

dirk's band is actually not bad...for a dirty ska hippy band. :)


Anonymous said...

Buy Dirk's CD, cuz there's far worse out there??? Nice try but not real sure how effective that tag would be in an advert.

> Keep this up and you'll only make people wonder what it's all about... Remember: Nothing fails at keeping people away from something more than telling people to stay away from it.<

Not much better; the investors might not be reaching for their checkbooks with that one. So beyond the advert, your idea of a marketing plan appears a bit flaccid. Maybe you should grip on the day gig.

Anonymous said...

Dirk is a jerk

Anonymous said...
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