Friday, January 14, 2005

Sore Losers Show Their Blue Rage!!!

In a petulant display of being unable to MOVE ON, capitalist liberals - there's an oxymoron for ya! - have copped the fund-raising rubber band fad initially popularized by those yellow LIVESTRONG bands that are raising funds to buy Lance Armstrong a replacement testicle with Anti-Bush Bracelets [that] Say, 'Count Me Blue', so that the crybabies can express their inability to withstand defeat without actually opening their traps.

This woman plans on giving PART of her profits - let's see a non-liberal get away with less that 100% tithing - to UNICEF, a division of that corrupt organization of thugs and dictators on the East River, which means that starving children won't get squat, but some UN thief will dine at Ruth's Chris steakhouse.

In an act a familial equal-time, her father is selling red bands to show support for Dubya. of course, if you were a red rubber band, you're just marking yourself as a target for violence from these sore losers like occured before the Election with vandalism against campaign offices.

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