Hey, did you notice that two members of the liberal media are willing to go to jail to protect the treasonous Karl Rove, and the conservative columnist responsible for setting it all into motion sang like a bird and isn't facing jail time?
Damn that evil librul medja!
Please post a rant about how karl Rove should go to prison for the rest of his life for betraying his country in a time of war.
I'm hoping people aren't thinking that I'm making these "anonymous" posts to make it look like liberals are psychotic trolls prone to crapping all over teh Intarweb, but whatever.
Hey, did you notice that two members of the liberal media are willing to go to jail to protect the treasonous Karl Rove, and the conservative columnist responsible for setting it all into motion sang like a bird and isn't facing jail time?
No, because that's not happening, but speaking reason to madness is pointless. However, here's the rhetorical question that puts the lie the above drooling: Are we supposed to believe that:
1. Karl Rove is so stupid that he'd personally commit a crime that the media would then...
B. Keep silent about it, even though burning him BEFORE the 2004 Election would've deprieve Dubya of his "brain" and made victory for the Feckless Crapweasel a possibility?
Doesn't quite add up, does it? Nope, it doesn't.
Please post a rant about how karl Rove should go to prison for the rest of his life for betraying his country in a time of war.
I don't take requests.
Thanks, yr. biggest fan.
And thank you - for providing a running update of the insanity of liberals.
Well, gee, lookee here - Rush Limbaugh said the same thing. (Good thing I posted my thought first before I saw them at Rush's site. Gawd forbid I get accused of parroting anything or something!)
RUSH: Let me say one thing about this Karl Rove business. Let me tell you how I know. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Rove is not the leaker. If Karl Rove were the leaker to Matthew Cooper of TIME Magazine, do you think they'd have kept that news private during the 2004 presidential campaign? This leak occurred in 2003. If Karl Rove engaged in criminal activity, do you not think that the media -- who claimed to know it all now -- would have not released that information during the campaign, given it to John Kerry or something and made it a huge campaign issue that the president's chief political advisor is a criminal?
We have all kinds of stuff leaked all over newspapers, folks. The war plan for Iraq was leaked for the New York Times and the Washington Post. We had all kinds of things leaked during the first term of the Bush administration. All kinds of secrets were let go that were intended to harm Bush. We had forged documents from CBS that were intended to affect the outcome of the election. Do you think if they really had proof that it was Rove that was the leaker of Valerie Plame's name, that the press would have kept that secret during the 2004 campaign? I don't. Why keep that secret? Why go to the trouble of making up and forging documents when you've got the one story here that could really rally people, maybe? Maybe it can't. I don't know how many people really care about this, that Valerie Plame's name was leaked, and I don't know how many people actually consider it a crime, but that was just my first reaction.
Also, while the Times or Post are running phony articles about how Plame is soooooooo low-profile, she pops up in the society pages of Vanity Fair. Whoope!!! Maybe she outed herself? Hmmmn...
Wait, you're using the supposition of a "liberal media" as a given for your arguement. You claim that the media would assuredly use the info to alter election outcomes. But if the media was truely liberal, why did it take so much legal effort to get this information released at all? Your arguement is self -defeating.
1. The media wanted Kerry to win and ran bogus stories about the TANG and missing explosives that were proven false and helped rile up the Dubya forces to rally to his support.
B. If Rove was the source and leaked the non-private Plame's identity, that would be a serious REAL crime that would've required Team Dubya to cast out their main strategist.
Ergo, if the media had the goods on Rove, they'd have burned him. This is just a liberal whispering campaign to undermine the Administration, the War and America so that they can regain power.
Of course, after they've thoroughly destroyed the country, why would they even want the busted thing that'll need so much repair? Hmmmm? Whoops! Y'all didn't think it through, did ya? Just wanted the power, right?
If you persist in abusing the comment privileges for your trolling, I'll have to restrict them and that would be too bad because it'll deny those not obsessed with Dirk Hating the opportunity to share their thoughts.
In other words: If you're gonna keep on begging me to kick your ass, I'm gonna have to start charging, pal.
1. The media also ran bugus stories from the swiftboat liars, so what's your point again?
2. Plane's own neighbors didn't know she was an agent. That sounds pretty private to me. The media wants access to the White House. Outing Rove would've ensured that they would loose that access. Also, a Kerry administration would be more wary of the press corp, even though they'd have benefitted. So, nice try.
This is a SERIOUS crime tatamount to terms like treason and sedition that you like to bandy about. A US intelligence operation tasked with finding WMD's was compromised at a time when WMD's were supposedly the top priority. There's no telling how much this leak put us in jeopardy, but we do know one thing... the leak came from the administration. So there is at least one real traitor out there.
"Abuse the comment privileges"? Are you like those crybaby talk show hosts who hang up on callers who disagree with them? Dude, we're not "hating", we're disareeing. You're allowed to do that in this country, at least for the time being. Besides, turning off the comments would alienate both of your readers.
Yawn....a few moments before dinner, so a quick Smackdown...
1. The media also ran bugus stories from the swiftboat liars, so what's your point again?
BZZZT!!! WRONG!!!! The MSM did NOT run the stories except to say that they were lies, except that Kerry hid his record and still hasn't released his FULL transcripts. Sorry, but Kerry was the liar and everyone knew it. That's why he lost.
2. Plane's own neighbors didn't know she was an agent. That sounds pretty private to me.
It's Plame and everyone knows she's an agent now. She sure ran for cover once she was outed, eh?
The media wants access to the White House. Outing Rove would've ensured that they would loose that access.
It's "lose" (one O) access and bullsh*t. Also, everyone knows that Rove talked to Cooper, except he probably didn't out Plame and to reveal the truth would undercut the looney Left tin hat theories.
Also, a Kerry administration would be more wary of the press corp, even though they'd have benefitted.
Huh? After all the favorable slant and biased favoritism they showed, Kerry would be suspicious?!? Got crack?
So, nice try.
Better than yours, Bub.
This is a SERIOUS crime tatamount to terms like treason and sedition that you like to bandy about.
No, it wasn't, but at least you're willing to acknowledge that such crimes exist, though I guess they only apply to your enemies and for things that aren't treasonous.
Put it this way: Even if every one of your fantasies about Rove were true, no one died. How many jihadis took Dirk Durbin's words as a good excuse to blow up London today? Hmmm?
A US intelligence operation tasked with finding WMD's was compromised at a time when WMD's were supposedly the top priority.
You never believed in WMDs before, now you do? Convenient.
There's no telling how much this leak put us in jeopardy, but we do know one thing... the leak came from the administration. So there is at least one real traitor out there.
Blah-blah-woof-woof....there was no jeopardy except that it reveal that Joe Wilson was a liar about his trip to Niger. You've got reality backwards, but what's new?
"Abuse the comment privileges"? Are you like those crybaby talk show hosts who hang up on callers who disagree with them?
Nope and I hate those who do.
Dude, we're not "hating", we're disareeing. You're allowed to do that in this country, at least for the time being.
Right. Of course, the moment Hillary! becomes Fuehrer, anyone to the right of Noam Chomsky will be sent to the American Gulag for reeducation.
I'm all for disagreement and looked forward to spirited debate, but unfortunately, too many comments are of the Snaps at the Apollo type. I forgot that liberals can't debate fairly because they're adverse to facts and truth and rely on ad hominems and straw men to confuse and avoid debate.
Besides, turning off the comments would alienate both of your readers.
It's certainly more plausible than your hysterical supposition that Valerie Plame was an important member of the teams hunting for the WMDs that your ilk proclaim never existed, except when Dems like Clinton/Kerry/Kennedy and the whole pack of Dems, who now put our country at risk for partisan vendettas, said they existed.
Since America is now the evil equals of Pol Pot/Hitler/Stalin, wouldn't the jihadis of Al Queda/Democrat Party be doing the right thing to act as Michael Moore's Minutemen? Why, yes they would.
The Left, in their naked and desperate desire to regain the power they lost have unforgivably thrown in with the Islamofascists and their jihad because of their shared desire to humble America and destroy Dubya.
You sleep with dogs, you get fleas. If you weren't so consumed with partisan rage, you'd know that.
BZZZT!!! WRONG!!!! The MSM did NOT run the stories except to say that they were lies, except that Kerry hid his record and still hasn't released his FULL transcripts. Sorry, but Kerry was the liar and everyone knew it. That's why he lost.
BS. Fox News ran this crap into the ground. You could almost see Hannity's desk rise from the hardon it gave him to disparage Kerry's service record, a service record that was certainly not anything to be ashamed of. And Kerry has released most of his records which indicate that the swifties were lying. In fact, some of those very swiftliars had signed positive fitness reports and medal recommendations for Kerry. I could care less about Kerry, though. I'm a Clark man.
It's Plame and everyone knows she's an agent now. She sure ran for cover once she was outed, eh?
Well, running and hiding is kind of pointless when you've been outed in the national press. And she did take a year unpaid leave from the CIA, though now she's back at an analyst job.
It's "lose" (one O) access and bullsh*t. Also, everyone knows that Rove talked to Cooper, except he probably didn't out Plame and to reveal the truth would undercut the looney Left tin hat theories.
I could care less if it was Rove or not. I just want whichever treasonous POS who did leak her name to go to jail. Rove would merely be icing on the cake.
No, it wasn't, but at least you're willing to acknowledge that such crimes exist, though I guess they only apply to your enemies and for things that aren't treasonous.
Put it this way: Even if every one of your fantasies about Rove were true, no one died. How many jihadis took Dirk Durbin's words as a good excuse to blow up London today? Hmmm?
Such crimes most certainly exist and are committed daily by this administration. Between the Plame outing, the lies about WMD's and war profiteering, I feel truely sad for my country and fear where we are heading. But I still love America, just not the crooks running the show.
If my Rove "fanatasies" were true, than people did die. Plame was running covert ops in foreign countries and her outing jeporadized the lives of her assests. We have no way of knowing if the leak killed others or not.
By the way, my position on WMD's had always been to let the UN inspectors do their jobs, and then decide if Iraq was a threat. I know it must burn you up inside to realize that the UN was actually right about something.
Blah-blah-woof-woof....there was no jeopardy except that it reveal that Joe Wilson was a liar about his trip to Niger. You've got reality backwards, but what's new?
Bush's lies exceed Wilson's in scope, breadth, and impact by a factor of 7.5463 (I did the math). Yet, you have yet to call Bush on a single one of his lies. But, I'm the one out of touch reality. Right.
Please spare us the Blahs, Smackdowns, and other Dirkisms. Again, you are talented at rhetoric, but the childish asides are just that.
It bears noting that you, the obsessed apoligist for the treasonous liberal faction of this country, started this digression on a thread that HAD been about something totally unrelated. I shouldn't have even bothered with your trolling, but since I had and your lies are so easy to crush and make an example of, I will one last time....
BS. Fox News ran this crap into the ground.
I said MSM - Fox News is alternative media. CNN/ABC/CBS/NBC/NY Times/WaPo/etc. all covered up for Kerry and allowed him to hide for over a month without answer questions about his war hero lies, his lies about Xmas in Cambodia - when only JON STEWART even mentions it, the media is lost - his refusal to release his records (prolly cuz they showed a lower GPA than the supposedly stupid Dubya) and on and on.
Strike 1.
You could almost see Hannity's desk rise from the hardon it gave him to disparage Kerry's service record, a service record that was certainly not anything to be ashamed of.
I don't watch Hannity on TV, so I didn't notice the hard-on you did. Why are you looking at his hard-on? If Kerry's record is nothing to be ashamed of, why not release the records?
And Kerry has released most of his records which indicate that the swifties were lying.
MOST?!?!? You're admitting that he didn't release ALL of his records?!? WHOOPS!!!! Big f-up there, pal! What's in the records that he's hiding? Could it be that the Swifties have his number and he's a fake? If he was a REAL hero, the records would've come out. Since he STILL hides them (by your admission), there is no other conclusion to be drawn but that he's a phony and dumber than Dubya.
I'm a Clark man.
Clark wanted to start WWIII while in Kosovo by ordering the Brits to attack the Russians. He brown-nosed his last two stars. So, it's understandable you'd like him - he's a like-minded fascist.
I could care less if it was Rove or not. I just want whichever treasonous POS who did leak her name to go to jail. Rove would merely be icing on the cake.
IF a crime was committed, I'd totally agree. It looks like none was committed except for Wilson lying and subverting the Administration for partisan revenge - precisely what was supposedly done to Plame. Neat, huh?
Such crimes most certainly exist and are committed daily by this administration.
How many died under Clinton's regime? Do you care? Nope, it's all about partisan rage - not honor or truth. Admit it. You LIKE IT when Dems kill.
Between the Plame outing, the lies about WMD's and war profiteering, I feel truely sad for my country and fear where we are heading. But I still love America, just not the crooks running the show.
But you loved the crooks who allowed Osama to go free and sold technology to N. Korea and China that will now be used to nuke us? Nice priorities there, Bub.
By the way, my position on WMD's had always been to let the UN inspectors do their jobs, and then decide if Iraq was a threat. I know it must burn you up inside to realize that the UN was actually right about something.
Nope, cuz the UN was both WRONG and PAID OFF (oil-for-food) to allow Saddam to reign terror. The inspectors had been tossed out, so how could they have found anything. All Saddam had to do was allow the inspectors back in and let them try to find the WMDs that had been spirited away to Syria and he would still occupy Gunner Palace, the rape rooms would be going full tilt and Kofi Anan would be soaking up the oil gifts.
How many strikes are we up to now, Bub?
Bush's lies exceed Wilson's in scope, breadth, and impact by a factor of 7.5463 (I did the math). Yet, you have yet to call Bush on a single one of his lies. But, I'm the one out of touch reality. Right.
So, you're also admitting that Wilson is a liar?!? Jeez, do you know how damaging to your own side your being?!?
As for Dubya lies - um, I've called out Dubya on his "religion of peace" lie; his "I'm a conservative" lie; and if he nominates his crony Gonzales, his "I want strict constructionist" lie. The problem is, the "lies" you guys are crying about aren't lies at all and thus don't need rebuke.
I've said it time and again, the reason the Dems lost was because they ran a candidate that was an elitist liar and UN sycophant and hoped that if enough scurilous lies were told by Moore and Rather that Dubya would be turned out. If they'd attacked his profligate spending and a zillion other things that REAL CONSERVATIVES stand for, they could've depressed the turnout for him and snuck their guy in.
It was real easy - hit 'em with the Truth. But instead, you went with the lies and lost big. Try some Truth next time. It goes farther.
Hey, did you notice that two members of the liberal media are willing to go to jail to protect the treasonous Karl Rove, and the conservative columnist responsible for setting it all into motion sang like a bird and isn't facing jail time?
Damn that evil librul medja!
Please post a rant about how karl Rove should go to prison for the rest of his life for betraying his country in a time of war.
Thanks, yr. biggest fan.
I'm hoping people aren't thinking that I'm making these "anonymous" posts to make it look like liberals are psychotic trolls prone to crapping all over teh Intarweb, but whatever.
Hey, did you notice that two members of the liberal media are willing to go to jail to protect the treasonous Karl Rove, and the conservative columnist responsible for setting it all into motion sang like a bird and isn't facing jail time?
No, because that's not happening, but speaking reason to madness is pointless. However, here's the rhetorical question that puts the lie the above drooling: Are we supposed to believe that:
1. Karl Rove is so stupid that he'd personally commit a crime that the media would then...
B. Keep silent about it, even though burning him BEFORE the 2004 Election would've deprieve Dubya of his "brain" and made victory for the Feckless Crapweasel a possibility?
Doesn't quite add up, does it? Nope, it doesn't.
Please post a rant about how karl Rove should go to prison for the rest of his life for betraying his country in a time of war.
I don't take requests.
Thanks, yr. biggest fan.
And thank you - for providing a running update of the insanity of liberals.
Well, gee, lookee here - Rush Limbaugh said the same thing. (Good thing I posted my thought first before I saw them at Rush's site. Gawd forbid I get accused of parroting anything or something!)
RUSH: Let me say one thing about this Karl Rove business. Let me tell you how I know. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Rove is not the leaker. If Karl Rove were the leaker to Matthew Cooper of TIME Magazine, do you think they'd have kept that news private during the 2004 presidential campaign? This leak occurred in 2003. If Karl Rove engaged in criminal activity, do you not think that the media -- who claimed to know it all now -- would have not released that information during the campaign, given it to John Kerry or something and made it a huge campaign issue that the president's chief political advisor is a criminal?
We have all kinds of stuff leaked all over newspapers, folks. The war plan for Iraq was leaked for the New York Times and the Washington Post. We had all kinds of things leaked during the first term of the Bush administration. All kinds of secrets were let go that were intended to harm Bush. We had forged documents from CBS that were intended to affect the outcome of the election. Do you think if they really had proof that it was Rove that was the leaker of Valerie Plame's name, that the press would have kept that secret during the 2004 campaign? I don't. Why keep that secret? Why go to the trouble of making up and forging documents when you've got the one story here that could really rally people, maybe? Maybe it can't. I don't know how many people really care about this, that Valerie Plame's name was leaked, and I don't know how many people actually consider it a crime, but that was just my first reaction.
Also, while the Times or Post are running phony articles about how Plame is soooooooo low-profile, she pops up in the society pages of Vanity Fair. Whoope!!! Maybe she outed herself? Hmmmn...
Wait, you're using the supposition of a "liberal media" as a given for your arguement. You claim that the media would assuredly use the info to alter election outcomes. But if the media was truely liberal, why did it take so much legal effort to get this information released at all? Your arguement is self -defeating.
This will be easy:
1. The media wanted Kerry to win and ran bogus stories about the TANG and missing explosives that were proven false and helped rile up the Dubya forces to rally to his support.
B. If Rove was the source and leaked the non-private Plame's identity, that would be a serious REAL crime that would've required Team Dubya to cast out their main strategist.
Ergo, if the media had the goods on Rove, they'd have burned him. This is just a liberal whispering campaign to undermine the Administration, the War and America so that they can regain power.
Of course, after they've thoroughly destroyed the country, why would they even want the busted thing that'll need so much repair? Hmmmm? Whoops! Y'all didn't think it through, did ya? Just wanted the power, right?
If you persist in abusing the comment privileges for your trolling, I'll have to restrict them and that would be too bad because it'll deny those not obsessed with Dirk Hating the opportunity to share their thoughts.
In other words: If you're gonna keep on begging me to kick your ass, I'm gonna have to start charging, pal.
Hey, not for nothing, Dirk, but that last post wasn't me (aka Yr. Biggest Fan!).
It appears you now have two readers! Hallelujah!
I also think it's hilarious that you consider anyone calling you out on your bent thinking "abusing the comment privileges".
that would be too bad because it'll deny those not obsessed with Dirk Hating the opportunity to share their thoughts.
You're right, it's very rude of me. I'll cede the floor to all the other readers waiting to "abuse the comment privileges".
[crickets chirping]
1. The media also ran bugus stories from the swiftboat liars, so what's your point again?
2. Plane's own neighbors didn't know she was an agent. That sounds pretty private to me. The media wants access to the White House. Outing Rove would've ensured that they would loose that access. Also, a Kerry administration would be more wary of the press corp, even though they'd have benefitted. So, nice try.
This is a SERIOUS crime tatamount to terms like treason and sedition that you like to bandy about. A US intelligence operation tasked with finding WMD's was compromised at a time when WMD's were supposedly the top priority. There's no telling how much this leak put us in jeopardy, but we do know one thing... the leak came from the administration. So there is at least one real traitor out there.
"Abuse the comment privileges"? Are you like those crybaby talk show hosts who hang up on callers who disagree with them? Dude, we're not "hating", we're disareeing. You're allowed to do that in this country, at least for the time being. Besides, turning off the comments would alienate both of your readers.
Yawn....a few moments before dinner, so a quick Smackdown...
1. The media also ran bugus stories from the swiftboat liars, so what's your point again?
BZZZT!!! WRONG!!!! The MSM did NOT run the stories except to say that they were lies, except that Kerry hid his record and still hasn't released his FULL transcripts. Sorry, but Kerry was the liar and everyone knew it. That's why he lost.
2. Plane's own neighbors didn't know she was an agent. That sounds pretty private to me.
It's Plame and everyone knows she's an agent now. She sure ran for cover once she was outed, eh?
The media wants access to the White House. Outing Rove would've ensured that they would loose that access.
It's "lose" (one O) access and bullsh*t. Also, everyone knows that Rove talked to Cooper, except he probably didn't out Plame and to reveal the truth would undercut the looney Left tin hat theories.
Also, a Kerry administration would be more wary of the press corp, even though they'd have benefitted.
Huh? After all the favorable slant and biased favoritism they showed, Kerry would be suspicious?!? Got crack?
So, nice try.
Better than yours, Bub.
This is a SERIOUS crime tatamount to terms like treason and sedition that you like to bandy about.
No, it wasn't, but at least you're willing to acknowledge that such crimes exist, though I guess they only apply to your enemies and for things that aren't treasonous.
Put it this way: Even if every one of your fantasies about Rove were true, no one died. How many jihadis took Dirk Durbin's words as a good excuse to blow up London today? Hmmm?
A US intelligence operation tasked with finding WMD's was compromised at a time when WMD's were supposedly the top priority.
You never believed in WMDs before, now you do? Convenient.
There's no telling how much this leak put us in jeopardy, but we do know one thing... the leak came from the administration. So there is at least one real traitor out there.
Blah-blah-woof-woof....there was no jeopardy except that it reveal that Joe Wilson was a liar about his trip to Niger. You've got reality backwards, but what's new?
"Abuse the comment privileges"? Are you like those crybaby talk show hosts who hang up on callers who disagree with them?
Nope and I hate those who do.
Dude, we're not "hating", we're disareeing. You're allowed to do that in this country, at least for the time being.
Right. Of course, the moment Hillary! becomes Fuehrer, anyone to the right of Noam Chomsky will be sent to the American Gulag for reeducation.
I'm all for disagreement and looked forward to spirited debate, but unfortunately, too many comments are of the Snaps at the Apollo type. I forgot that liberals can't debate fairly because they're adverse to facts and truth and rely on ad hominems and straw men to confuse and avoid debate.
Besides, turning off the comments would alienate both of your readers.
And this is supposed to dissuade me? {8P
How many jihadis took Dirk Durbin's words as a good excuse to blow up London today?
Wait... are you seriously suggesting that Dick Durbin is somehow responsible for the London bombings?
Look up. See that cliff, way, way off in the distance? That's the deep end.
It's certainly more plausible than your hysterical supposition that Valerie Plame was an important member of the teams hunting for the WMDs that your ilk proclaim never existed, except when Dems like Clinton/Kerry/Kennedy and the whole pack of Dems, who now put our country at risk for partisan vendettas, said they existed.
Since America is now the evil equals of Pol Pot/Hitler/Stalin, wouldn't the jihadis of Al Queda/Democrat Party be doing the right thing to act as Michael Moore's Minutemen? Why, yes they would.
The Left, in their naked and desperate desire to regain the power they lost have unforgivably thrown in with the Islamofascists and their jihad because of their shared desire to humble America and destroy Dubya.
You sleep with dogs, you get fleas. If you weren't so consumed with partisan rage, you'd know that.
BZZZT!!! WRONG!!!! The MSM did NOT run the stories except to say that they were lies, except that Kerry hid his record and still hasn't released his FULL transcripts. Sorry, but Kerry was the liar and everyone knew it. That's why he lost.
BS. Fox News ran this crap into the ground. You could almost see Hannity's desk rise from the hardon it gave him to disparage Kerry's service record, a service record that was certainly not anything to be ashamed of. And Kerry has released most of his records which indicate that the swifties were lying. In fact, some of those very swiftliars had signed positive fitness reports and medal recommendations for Kerry. I could care less about Kerry, though. I'm a Clark man.
It's Plame and everyone knows she's an agent now. She sure ran for cover once she was outed, eh?
Well, running and hiding is kind of pointless when you've been outed in the national press. And she did take a year unpaid leave from the CIA, though now she's back at an analyst job.
It's "lose" (one O) access and bullsh*t. Also, everyone knows that Rove talked to Cooper, except he probably didn't out Plame and to reveal the truth would undercut the looney Left tin hat theories.
I could care less if it was Rove or not. I just want whichever treasonous POS who did leak her name to go to jail. Rove would merely be icing on the cake.
No, it wasn't, but at least you're willing to acknowledge that such crimes exist, though I guess they only apply to your enemies and for things that aren't treasonous.
Put it this way: Even if every one of your fantasies about Rove were true, no one died. How many jihadis took Dirk Durbin's words as a good excuse to blow up London today? Hmmm?
Such crimes most certainly exist and are committed daily by this administration. Between the Plame outing, the lies about WMD's and war profiteering, I feel truely sad for my country and fear where we are heading. But I still love America, just not the crooks running the show.
If my Rove "fanatasies" were true, than people did die. Plame was running covert ops in foreign countries and her outing jeporadized the lives of her assests. We have no way of knowing if the leak killed others or not.
By the way, my position on WMD's had always been to let the UN inspectors do their jobs, and then decide if Iraq was a threat. I know it must burn you up inside to realize that the UN was actually right about something.
Blah-blah-woof-woof....there was no jeopardy except that it reveal that Joe Wilson was a liar about his trip to Niger. You've got reality backwards, but what's new?
Bush's lies exceed Wilson's in scope, breadth, and impact by a factor of 7.5463 (I did the math). Yet, you have yet to call Bush on a single one of his lies. But, I'm the one out of touch reality. Right.
Please spare us the Blahs, Smackdowns, and other Dirkisms. Again, you are talented at rhetoric, but the childish asides are just that.
It bears noting that you, the obsessed apoligist for the treasonous liberal faction of this country, started this digression on a thread that HAD been about something totally unrelated. I shouldn't have even bothered with your trolling, but since I had and your lies are so easy to crush and make an example of, I will one last time....
BS. Fox News ran this crap into the ground.
I said MSM - Fox News is alternative media. CNN/ABC/CBS/NBC/NY Times/WaPo/etc. all covered up for Kerry and allowed him to hide for over a month without answer questions about his war hero lies, his lies about Xmas in Cambodia - when only JON STEWART even mentions it, the media is lost - his refusal to release his records (prolly cuz they showed a lower GPA than the supposedly stupid Dubya) and on and on.
Strike 1.
You could almost see Hannity's desk rise from the hardon it gave him to disparage Kerry's service record, a service record that was certainly not anything to be ashamed of.
I don't watch Hannity on TV, so I didn't notice the hard-on you did. Why are you looking at his hard-on? If Kerry's record is nothing to be ashamed of, why not release the records?
And Kerry has released most of his records which indicate that the swifties were lying.
MOST?!?!? You're admitting that he didn't release ALL of his records?!? WHOOPS!!!! Big f-up there, pal! What's in the records that he's hiding? Could it be that the Swifties have his number and he's a fake? If he was a REAL hero, the records would've come out. Since he STILL hides them (by your admission), there is no other conclusion to be drawn but that he's a phony and dumber than Dubya.
I'm a Clark man.
Clark wanted to start WWIII while in Kosovo by ordering the Brits to attack the Russians. He brown-nosed his last two stars. So, it's understandable you'd like him - he's a like-minded fascist.
I could care less if it was Rove or not. I just want whichever treasonous POS who did leak her name to go to jail. Rove would merely be icing on the cake.
IF a crime was committed, I'd totally agree. It looks like none was committed except for Wilson lying and subverting the Administration for partisan revenge - precisely what was supposedly done to Plame. Neat, huh?
Such crimes most certainly exist and are committed daily by this administration.
How many died under Clinton's regime? Do you care? Nope, it's all about partisan rage - not honor or truth. Admit it. You LIKE IT when Dems kill.
Between the Plame outing, the lies about WMD's and war profiteering, I feel truely sad for my country and fear where we are heading. But I still love America, just not the crooks running the show.
But you loved the crooks who allowed Osama to go free and sold technology to N. Korea and China that will now be used to nuke us? Nice priorities there, Bub.
By the way, my position on WMD's had always been to let the UN inspectors do their jobs, and then decide if Iraq was a threat. I know it must burn you up inside to realize that the UN was actually right about something.
Nope, cuz the UN was both WRONG and PAID OFF (oil-for-food) to allow Saddam to reign terror. The inspectors had been tossed out, so how could they have found anything. All Saddam had to do was allow the inspectors back in and let them try to find the WMDs that had been spirited away to Syria and he would still occupy Gunner Palace, the rape rooms would be going full tilt and Kofi Anan would be soaking up the oil gifts.
How many strikes are we up to now, Bub?
Bush's lies exceed Wilson's in scope, breadth, and impact by a factor of 7.5463 (I did the math). Yet, you have yet to call Bush on a single one of his lies. But, I'm the one out of touch reality. Right.
So, you're also admitting that Wilson is a liar?!? Jeez, do you know how damaging to your own side your being?!?
As for Dubya lies - um, I've called out Dubya on his "religion of peace" lie; his "I'm a conservative" lie; and if he nominates his crony Gonzales, his "I want strict constructionist" lie. The problem is, the "lies" you guys are crying about aren't lies at all and thus don't need rebuke.
I've said it time and again, the reason the Dems lost was because they ran a candidate that was an elitist liar and UN sycophant and hoped that if enough scurilous lies were told by Moore and Rather that Dubya would be turned out. If they'd attacked his profligate spending and a zillion other things that REAL CONSERVATIVES stand for, they could've depressed the turnout for him and snuck their guy in.
It was real easy - hit 'em with the Truth. But instead, you went with the lies and lost big. Try some Truth next time. It goes farther.
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