Monday, August 29, 2005

The Media's White-Washing of Sheehan's Insane Hate.

When you're reading the fawning coverage of this rabid media whore front for the MSM's jihad against America, do you know what you aren't hearing? Why not go catch up to such Cindyisms as...

Yet even as the mainstream media has fawned over her campout, it has neutered her message, refusing to print her statements which are intended to get people off the fence.


Sheehan has explained that the real global terrorist problem is the United States. Speaking at San Francisco State University on April 27, she announced, "The biggest terrorist in the world is George W. Bush." Rebuking people (such as the Post editors who created the "Portraits of Valor" series) who claim that serving in the military is patriotic, she stated: "I'm going all over this country telling moms: 'This country is not worth dying for.' " She denounced the idea that soldiers should "defend this morally repugnant system we have."

Casey made the ultimate sacrifice for his country, but his mother has turned it into an ultimate disgrace. Not that there aren't plenty of willing accomplices:


Anonymous said...

Surprise, surprise. More stupid and dishonest bullshit from the right.

Sheehan's actual quote:

"I’m going all over the country telling moms: 'This country is not worth dying for. If we’re attacked, we would all go out. We’d all take whatever we had. I’d take my rolling pin and I’d beat the attackers over the head with it. But we were not attacked by Iraq.'"

It's quite clear that she means the country not worth dying for is Iraq, not the United States.

But that doesn't fit in with the wingnut story of "Cindy Sheehan hates America & the troops", so it's conveniently left out of the quote.

She denounced the idea that soldiers should "defend this morally repugnant system we have."

Again, actual quote:

"I would never have let him go and try and defend this morally repugnant system we have. The people are good, the system is morally repugnant."

Sorry, looks like you get called out again. Kepp frothing!

Dirk Belligerent said...

Seriously, I'm gonna have to start charging you for these beatings.

It's quite clear that she means the country not worth dying for is Iraq, not the United States.

Then why didn't see say "THAT country...", instead of "THIS country"? I'm not sure of the context of either quote since she's been yapping all over for quite some time and its likely you're using a different quote instance to try and rescue this hateful crone.

But, nevermind that - what was the omitted context for this bon mot?

"You tell me the truth. You tell me that my son died for oil. You tell me that my son died to make your friends rich. You tell me my son died to spread the cancer of Pax Americana . . . You get America out of Iraq, you get Israel out of Palestine."

How about this one?

"The other thing I want him to tell me is 'just what was the noble cause Casey died for?' Was it freedom and democracy? Bull---t! He died for oil. He died to make your friends richer. He died to expand American imperialism in the Middle East. We're not freer here, thanks to your PATRIOT Act. Iraq is not free. You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism," she says."There, I used the 'I' word -- imperialism," the 48 year-old mother quipped. "And now I'm going to use another 'I' word impeachment because we cannot have these people pardoned. They need to be tried on war crimes and go to jail. I am not paying my taxes for 2004. You killed my son, George Bush, and I don't owe you a penny . . . you give my son back and I'll pay my taxes. Come after me for back taxes and we'll put this war on trial."

Spin away, Bub. Cindy Sheehan is an insane liar and according to polls, has had no effect on 4 of 5 polled. She's just the latest tool in the fascist Left's jihad to destroy America. But, whatever works, right?

Anonymous said...

Then why didn't see say "THAT country...", instead of "THIS country"?

Because she's not a refined public speaker? Fuck, I made a typo in my last post... does that mean I'm illiterate and don't know how to spell 'keep'?

Look, stop playing games. Only a dishonest shithead could mistake the meaning of what she said in context.

its likely you're using a different quote instance to try and rescue this hateful crone.

Could be. Or maybe I'm using a right-wing news source, you knucklehead:

But, nevermind that - what was the omitted context for this bon mot?

And here you go again with your Standard Operating Procedure: get called out as a lying weasel, change the argument.

You breathlessly posted a link that made pulled two quotes out of context to make Sheehan look bad, you got called out on them, so you've gone running to find more quotes. Of course, they're not as bad, but that's the risk you take when you're desperately trying to distort someone's position.

I also think you're somewhat "mistaken" (and I use that term in all its eye-rolling glory) on your poll numbers. Rassmussen, a republican-friendly polling outfit, had her at 35% favorable, 38% unfavorable.

"In general, people see in Sheehan what they want to see...."

Holy shit, I've had my foot up your ass so much I feel like I ought to be paying you rent.

Anonymous said...

But, nevermind that - what was the omitted context for this bon mot?

"You tell me the truth. You tell me that my son died for oil..."

That goddamned crazy left-wing loony Sheehan! Where does she get this insane hate-filled horseshit she's spewing?

Wednesday August 31, 2005

By Jennifer Loven, The Associated Press

CORONADO, Calif. (AP) - President Bush on Tuesday answered growing anti-war protests with a fresh reason for American troops to continue fighting in Iraq: protection of the country's vast oil fields that he said would otherwise fall under the control of terrorist extremists.

Dirk Belligerent said...


Because she's not a refined public speaker?

Nope. She's got the best far-left rabble rousers pulling her strings. She didn't drift off message, but even if she did, I'M not lying (if there are any misquotes), the linked source is, so please direct your complaints and tinhat theories to him. You're welcome.

And here you go again with your Standard Operating Procedure: get called out as a lying weasel, change the argument.

You breathlessly posted a link that made pulled two quotes out of context to make Sheehan look bad, you got called out on them, so you've gone running to find more quotes.

Weasel? Moi? Sorry, pal, but you're the one trying to limit your defense of the lying scumbag that is "Mother Sheehan" to quotes that you can cherry-pick explanations for. How about her anti-Semetic rants and raves? Hmmm? I didn't go running, I just looked up my old posts.

I also think you're somewhat "mistaken" (and I use that term in all its eye-rolling glory) on your poll numbers.

No, I'm not.

All the same, Sheehan does not appear to have changed the basic equation — or many minds. Nearly eight in 10 Americans say she hasn't changed their view of the war; among the rest, about as many say they're more likely to support the war because of Sheehan as say they're more likely to oppose it, 10 percent vs. nine percent, respectively.

Neither has Sheehan ratcheted up emotional responses to the Bush administration's work on the war. Fifty-three percent are dissatisfied, about the same as in late June. That includes 27 percent who are "angry" about it, again quite similar to the level of anger two months ago, pre-Sheehan.


Finally, you're so f*cking stupid that you think "to continue fighting in Iraq: protection of the country's vast oil fields" means that we invaded in the first place for oil?!? Of course you are. Yeesh.

If Dubya cuts and runs like you guys want AND the oil market, already clobbered by Katrina, goes down and destroys the economy, can you tel me that you won't be bashing them for leaving the oil fields undefended? HA!!!! Whatever happens, you'll bash Dubya for, so don't even try to say otherwise. Besides, this is exactly what your side needs to regain power - death, disaster and ruin - since you losers have even fewer ideas than the Stupid Party does. How does it feel that the only way you have a prayer of winning is on the ruins of other's human misery? You guys are inhuman monsters and why you must be stopped.

Anonymous said...

Weasel? Moi? Sorry, pal, but you're the one trying to limit your defense of the lying scumbag that is "Mother Sheehan" to quotes that you can cherry-pick explanations for. How about her anti-Semetic rants and raves? Hmmm? I didn't go running, I just looked up my old posts.

No no, junior. You may want to re-read the thread. It goes something like this:

1) You post a link to a story that backs your assertion of "Sheehan's Insane Hate".

2) I point out that the quotes (that you went out of your way to bold, so we wouldn't miss the point) are taken out of context, and then provide the proper context.

3) You reply, "well, I don't know what the real context is and 'and its likely you're using a different quote instance to try and rescue this hateful crone.' Besides WHAT ABOUT THIS QUOTE?@@#@!@!"

Now stop and take a breath.

I have not defended Sheehan. I pointed out that your frothing was over something taken out of context.

I was right, and you looked like a chump. But instead of acknowledging that the link's quoting was deceptive, you tried to turn it around and put me in the position of defending Sheehan and her ideas.

I do not take the bait. I'm here to kick you in the teeth, not defend someone else. I find your smarmy Rush-lite act repellent, and it gives me great amusement to see you get worked up in your replies. There's nothing funnier than trying to get you to justify your opinions, because they always settle out to "DEMOCRATS EAT BABIES AND STUFF!@!!"

I'll tell you the truth-- my job is easier. I know what you stand for; you post about it. But you have no real idea of what I support, so you have no choice but to flail about and screech about evil liberals who hate America and their "hate-filled speech". You are practically a walking definition of "transference".

I am not a flaming liberal, and I see no need to defend the "liberal position". As you are so fond of saying-- you assume because I'm against what you're for that I'm for what you're against. You would be quite wrong.

But it wouldn't be the first time, now would it?

Re: the poll you cited. You're right. Sheehan hasn't changed many minds. Of course, that's because 53% already agree with her. But that wasn't your point, and so I concede my error.

On a larger note, you're a fool if you think that Democrats can be "stopped". Elections are no longer about which party has the better ideas-- both parties are poplulated with amoral criminals. The right spent 8 years attacking Clinton constantly until they regained power and the left will spend their time doing the same to Junior Bush for his stay at 1600 Penn. They'll be swept back in in 2006 and 2008 not because they are the better party, but because the public will tire of the graft, corruption and incompetence of the party in power. But don't fret-- in 2014 and 2016 Republicans will chase the rotten Dems out of office for the same reason. And the whole thing will start again.

Dirk Belligerent said...

OK, let's stipulate that the quote I linked was taken out of context. Granted, she's been mouthing off REPEATEDLY for MANY MONTHS and the version you're using to refute my post is likely a different instance of her stump screech than what was quoted in the article, but how does that excuse her other examples of Nazi-worthy hate speech?

Cindy Sheehan is a useful puppet for a media that wishes to destroy Team Dubya and America in the same way they assisted the NVA during the Tet Offensive. The media reports about this "po' widdle mommy" and ignores the torrents of bigotry and insanity that issue from her noise hole. They don't report about how there are hardly any people in Crawford with her and they don't report about how she's backed by people who've commited violence in the past for political purposes. Knocking down a couple of sentences doesn't change that fundamental reality. Sorry, pal, but that's the TRUTH!

On a larger note, you're a fool if you think that Democrats can be "stopped". Elections are no longer about which party has the better ideas-- both parties are poplulated with amoral criminals. The right spent 8 years attacking Clinton constantly until they regained power and the left will spend their time doing the same to Junior Bush for his stay at 1600 Penn. They'll be swept back in in 2006 and 2008 not because they are the better party, but because the public will tire of the graft, corruption and incompetence of the party in power. But don't fret-- in 2014 and 2016 Republicans will chase the rotten Dems out of office for the same reason. And the whole thing will start again.

This is the first semi-intelligent thing you've bothered to post. Doesn't it bother you that you're hoping for the current idiots to be chased out in favor of your chosen crooks? Shouldn't we have a choice - a REAL choice, instead of the whack-ass media whores we're getting? Hillary!? McCain? Puh-leeze! The only difference is that when Dems are in office, the media goes silent over the rampant criminality like arming N. Korea and China and allowing al Queda to run unchecked thruout the Nineties.

What you seem to be missing is that while the Dems are agents of Satan and an evil that must never be allowed to return, I've got so little use for the Stupid Party, contempt doesn't seem to be a strong enough word for my antipathy toward them. The fact that people support these losers just because they mouth the shibboleths of "God" while spending like the liberal-facists baffles me no end. Of course, the Dems spend like idiots and promise to destroy God for their craven minions. Great choice: TWO socialist idiots - one promising to serve God, the other promising to kill God. Just ducky.

Anonymous said...

OK, let's stipulate that the quote I linked was taken out of context. Granted, she's been mouthing off REPEATEDLY for MANY MONTHS and the version you're using to refute my post is likely a different instance of her stump screech than what was quoted in the article,

The quote I used is not different than what was quoted in the article. It's a different source, but they're both the same transcript from the same event.

Why don't you check for yourself? Of course, the columnist has helpfully provided a deliberately broken URL in the article with the addition of a space right before the htm extension, but that can be rectified easily.

Here's the larger point that this illuminates, though. There's no way you can read that transcript and think that Sheehan actually thinks "America is not worth dying for" unless you are either retarded or disingenuous. If Sheehan is such a vile, hateful witch, why is it necessary to deliberately misquote her? Shouldn't there be plenty of anti-american hate speech quotes you can choose from without resorting to distortions?

Anonymous said...

Just a clarification, I am using "you" in the general sense, not "you" specifically.

Dirk Belligerent said...

Ooooh...that sneaky columist. Adding a space to block the truth! Sneaky!! Good thing you're too smart to be stymied by such a dastardly attempt to hide his source! Let's see what we've got from Cindy:

Lynne is my human Atticus Finch. He did what he knew was right, but wasn’t popular. And that’s what Lynne is doing.

Lynne Stewart aided terrorist and needs to be giving a last cigarette in front of a bullet-riddled wall.

We’re waging a war of terror. The biggest terrorist in the world is George W. Bush.

Sounds pretty anti-American.

I know that we’re in a war and I know that George Bush and his band of neo-cons and their neo-con agenda killed my son.

That may play as normal at your Starbuck's, but around saner precincts? Now, pay attention, here's where it gets good...

I was raised in a country by a public school system that taught us that America was good, that America was just. America has been killing people, like my sister over here says, since we first stepped on this continent, we have been responsible for death and destruction. I passed on that bullshit to my son and my son enlisted. I’m going all over the country telling moms: “This country is not worth dying for. If we’re attacked, we would all go out. We’d all take whatever we had. I’d take my rolling pin and I’d beat the attackers over the head with it. But we were not attacked by Iraq. {applause}

You complain that the END of that sentence was trimmed and dare me to look it up knowing that the BEGINNING of the sentence is as hateful as she's been accused of being?!? Really smart there, Bub.

We might not even have been attacked by Osama bin Laden if {applause}.

To bad she didn't get to finish this sentence, cuz it would've likely blamed Team Dubya for bringing on 9/11 as shown by this update of the old "FDR knew about Pearl Harbor" cannard.

9/11 was their Pearl Harbor to get their neo-con agenda through and, if I would have known that before my son was killed, I would have taken him to Canada. I would never have let him go and try and defend this morally repugnant system we have. The people are good, the system is morally repugnant. {applause}

There is no way you can spin this: Cindy Sheehan HATES America, thinks we're evil killers and that our system is "morally repugnant". There's not a lot of grey to put a shiny, happy, vote-Democrat face on this, is there? Nope, there isn't. Which brings us back to your giant tactical error of a non-point:

There's no way you can read that transcript and think that Sheehan actually thinks "America is not worth dying for" unless you are either retarded or disingenuous. If Sheehan is such a vile, hateful witch, why is it necessary to deliberately misquote her? Shouldn't there be plenty of anti-american hate speech quotes you can choose from without resorting to distortions?

BBZZZZTTTT!!! You lose!!! As I've shown - at your urging - Sheehan's a anti-American whackjob who thinks we're unworthy of nuclear bombs and doesn't bother asking the Anointed One, Hillary!, why she hasn't sent Chelsea to go to war cuz Hillary!'s on her side - the pro-fascist/pro-socialist/pro-communist/anti-fredom/anti-American side.

Well, that was fun and since Katrina is monopolizing the news shows and Dubya's back from vacation, Cindy Sheehan will fade away along with all the other useful idiots the media have trotted out to front their dispicable hypocrisy. As far as I know, the airports are open; nothing's stopping Cindy from leaving on a jet plane to go someplace where her anti-American views will be more warmly embraced.

Anonymous said...

I was going to respond to all of this, but after working up a reply, I deleted it. Really, why bother? You're an extremist nut, and there's no amount of dialogue that's ever going to change that. I once compared a discussion with you to a discussion with a creationist, and I wasn't wrong. You start from a place that isn't even remotely rational, and by arguing with you, I lend (admittedly light)weight and validity to your insane rantings.

You'll likely respond to this with more of your emptyheaded and dull-witted screeching, calling me a liberal anti-America fascist, etc., but that's OK. I understand your insecurities demand that you get the last word, so have at it.

Dirk Belligerent said...

Nope. The reason who didn't reply was that the TRUTH crushed your lies and you're just pissed that you challenged me to check the transcript, leading to your Smackdown.

Cindy Sheehan's 15 minutes are up, so there's no more need to debunk her lies. And yours. Ta!

Anonymous said...