Saturday, September 03, 2005

Kanye West: Unamerican Idiot

I've been unimpressed with Kanye West since he made a petulent acceptance speech at the Grammys when he won for Best New Artist. He'd been snubbed at the earlier American Music Awards and made an ass of himself complaining about it and didn't do himself any favors at the Grammys, coming off as a sore winner.

His album, "The College Dropout", was a big deal, but to me it was more "big deal". It was too long and the sped-up samples were too gimmicky, but overall it was better than most of the crap that has turned hip-hop into a shadow of its former self. (Rap has sucked after NWA and PE fell apart in the early- Nineties, but that's another post.) Anyways, his new joint dropped and he made the cover of Time magazine last week:

That's right: In racist AmeriKKKa, black people don't get nothing, do they?

Anyhoo, tonight during NBC's Americathon, he went off script and started spewing racial grievance bullsh*t that is rapidly becoming the prevailing meme in the media in lockstep with the race hustlers. With the War, Cindy Sheehan and Global Warming all flopping as the Killer Lie to destroy Dubya with, they're trying one that failed when white buffalo Randi Rhodes, but may get traction coming from this jerk: Dubya does not care about black people.

As reported here via the AP and shown here at MS-NBC, West went off with a stunned Mike Myers standing next to him, looking as if he feared getting singed in the imminent lightning strike. West rambled, stammered and then announced that Dubya had given orders "to shoot us" - an absolute lie, but what's the Truth but just another person's opinion?

Any interest I had in checking out his new album evaporated and I can't wait to see the Dixie Chicks backlash hit him upside the head, because as the Time article wrote, "Statistics consistently show that 70% of hip-hop is consumed by young white audiences, but a century of anecdotal evidence is similarly irrefutable: white kids think it's cool to be black".

I wonder how they'll feel to be called murderers by a guy who's pictured rapping with Jay-Z wearing an "iced-out" platinum medalion. In Time magazine. A lot of predation on parade there, I'll tell ya. [rolling eyes]

What's so scurrilous about this garbage is that once again, Dubya is being forced to disprove a negative and it's going to be used as a deflection maneuver by the failed Democratic mayor and governor down there to face up to their share of responsibility for this disaster. But instead of facing questions, they'll play this race card and it's ALL Dubya's fault. Very convenient and a nice tactic to stop the blacks from fleeing the Dem Party, who've done nothing but make them slaves dependant on government largese. People didn't leave because they were waiting for their checks to come on the 1st. Even Chris Rock joked about "the 1st and 15th" in an old special. Real funny. Dems keep indentured voters and are now going to turn them into a race war army.

By any means necessary to regain power, right?

Remember what Rodney King asked so long ago? Then, as now, the answer remains: HELL NO!!!

Maybe that's what's wrong with pop music. Meanwhile, Live 8 fans will remember Kanye's statement there about AIDS: "It's a man-made disease in the first place that was placed in Africa just like crack was placed in the black community to break up the Black Panther party." Whatever happened to the good old days of educated, well-informed rappers?

That was then; this is not then.

AN EVEN BETTER IDEA: Instead of giving your money to this prick and his record label, if you were thinking of picking up his new album, give the money to the Red Cross instead. He seems to think the people down South need help and certainly doesn't deserve another cent.


Scooter McGavin said...

Kanye was indeed wrong, Bush doesn't hate black people, he hates anyone who cannot help him and his cronnies which happens to include poor black people.

Dirk Belligerent said...

You mispelled "cronies". Did you pass any helpless children today with "W" stickers on their cars to punish them? Did you know who told the idiots in NO that they should abandon city, yet they left their buses unused and they're now useless?

You would if you'd read Dirkworld® today and every day. Subscribe to the feeds and keep up to date with what's REALLY going on, not what you want to believe because you're so hateful of Dubya.

You're welcome!

Anonymous said...

"Ninties" is actually spelled "nineties", and "scurilous" is actually spelled "scurrilous". The sentence "they should abandon city" is incorrect grammatically.

Anonymous said...

Public Enemy sure never made any ill-informed statements they later retracted!!

Remember kids criticism is Unamerican. So don't do it.

The status quo is perfectly fine & your govt. knows best!

As long as it's a Republican one that is!!!

Anonymous said...

You would if you'd read Dirkworld® today and every day. Subscribe to the feeds and keep up to date with what's REALLY going on, not what you want to believe because you're so hateful of Dubya.


Dirk Belligerent said...


Why wouldn't it be? Oh, yeah, that's right - ad hominem attack, the liberals second play, after lying outright.

Public Enemy sure never made any ill-informed statements they later retracted!!

Professor Griff wasn't really in PE.

Remember kids criticism is Unamerican. So don't do it.

Criticism is fine. Craven lying for cynical political gain isn't.

The status quo is perfectly fine & your govt. knows best!

As long as it's a Republican one that is!!!

Gee, how did you take negative comments of your hero, the Criminal-in-Chief Bill Clinton.

The status quo sucks and if you pulled your stupid head out of your ass long enough to actually read the accumulated thoughts here, you'd know that I hold the Stupid Party (what I call the GOP) is nearly as low regard as the fascist Dems.

Educate yourselves and stop being parrots of the lies of Franken, Rhodes, Moore, Sheehan, Soros, Can'tMoveOn.Argh! and the MSM.

If liberals REALLY were patriotic, they'd hold their own people to account as much as the Right is criticized Dubya. If you were aware of the attacks on him from the Right, then it's your own samn fault.

Dirk Belligerent said...

"Ninties" is actually spelled "nineties", and "scurilous" is actually spelled "scurrilous".

D'OH!!! Darn Blogger needs a better spell-checker. I tried it once and it missed so much, I never used it again. Corrections have been made. Thanks for pointing them out.

The sentence "they should abandon city" is incorrect grammatically.

No, it was a deliberate play on "abandon ship".