What do a 64-year-old suicide bomber, and Episcopalian Bishop, Scarlett Johansson and Condoleeza Rice have in common? The brilliant Mark Steyn explains and it's pretty depressing stuff. The punchline:
So many of our present woes are due to thinking we know things. To our four Jills in the jeep, let's add one Jim, apparently back at the steering wheel in the current war: James Baker, renowned foreign policy "realist" and the man Beltway wags are currently referring to as "the acting secretary of state." The "realists" think that "containment" and "stability" are wise strategies. In fact, they're the absence of strategy. The fertility rate in the Gaza Strip is one of the highest on earth. If you measure the births of the Muslim world against the dearth of Bishop Kate's Episcopalians, you have the perfect snapshot of why there is no "stability": With every passing month, there are more Muslims and fewer Episcopalians, and the Muslims export their manpower to Europe and other depopulating outposts of the West. It's the intersection of demography and Islamism that makes time a luxury we can't afford.Definitely read it all and see how Western society is slowly commiting suicide due to its collective unwillingness to see the threat it faces. That Scarlett is a beautiful idiot is no surprise - not many conservatives are allowed to have careers in entertainment - but the idiocy of Condi is chilling. The fact that she was touted as a possible Presidential contender should make Americans wonder how in a land of 300 million people, we are force to choose from such meager politicians.
We can argue about exactly what this trend means, but not that it means nothing. At the very minimum, I'd suggest, it means the Episcopal Church is irrelevant to "the stewardship of the earth" and that Scarlett Johansson will end her days on an earth whose stewards regard being tested for HIV twice as a sign of many things, but not, on the whole, "social awareness."
I'm confused. A while back, when some of us were saying Condi Rice was an idiot, we were called racists and told that we're hypocrites because we won't recognize Condi's intellectual brilliance.
Here, have a link to your Queen, Michelle Malkin.
Like I said, I'm confused. I thought Condi was an idiot before, and now you think Condi's an idiot. Since you're always right and we on the left are always wrong, does that mean I need to start championing Dr. Rice? Please advise posthaste. Kthxbye.
Sorry, but the attacks by your pals in the racist-sexist-fascist Left were based on attacking her as a black woman who dared to not be a slave to the Left, not for her performance in the job. Blacks and women aren't actual people to the Left, they're victims to be exploited for votes until the day after the Election, at which point they can just bugger off until their votes are needed again.
As the criminal conduct of Chuckie Schumer's minions in snooping into Michael Steele's records - so much for the fascist Left's concern for privacy, eh? - and the tossing of Oreos at him showed, blacks and women who don't remember their place are to be lynched, literally and figuratively. It's not the Stupid Party who has a Klansman as it's senior Senator. Trent Lott says something stupid and he gets walloped for it. Robert Byrd recruits men to kill blacks and he's a wise sage of the Dems. (Nice sheets, Bobby. Bed, Bath and Beyond?)
Dick Morris wrote a book called "Condi vs. Hillary: The Next Great Presidential Race" which posited that the only person who could stop Hillary! was Condi. Until Barack Obama, what did the fascist Dems have to offer, even as a token? If Condi hasn't revealed her fecklessness, conservatives may've voted for her, but I really doubt that Dems could get over their deeply-held racism to vote for a non-white, all the blather about their superiority notwithstanding.
Mark's (and my) complaints against Condi Rice are based only on her lame performance and clueless acceptance of Dubya's profoundly stupid "Religion of Peace" mantra. If she were a white male, the complaints would be the same.
Bottom Line: You hate Condi for being an uppity [n-word] b*tch who dared cross the race hustlers of the Left. I'm unhappy with her because she's operating on hope, not reality and the world is too dangerous a place to survive long with this behavior.
Thank you for providing an example of the ingrained racism of the fascist Left.
I had always thought that I opposed Condi Rice because her discipline was in Cold-War relations, which left her supremely unqualified for the new\ global challenges of the 21st century. Her promotion was due more to her loyalty to the Boy Dauphin than skill or talent. That seemed like a lot of thinkin' for a dumb liberal; evidently I really opposed her because she's an uppity nigger. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
What you really meant to say was "The Left was right once again, but since Rush Limbaugh says that can't really be possible, I'll have to create a reason why they were wrong, even if it defies common sense."
Also: I think you forgot to provide a detail or two in another part of your diaper-fill:
Trent Lott says something stupid IN 2002 and he gets walloped for it. Robert Byrd recruits men to kill blacks IN 1948 (same year Strom Thurmond ran for Prez, don'tcha know) and he's a wise sage of the Dems.
Can you spot the difference? Can you understand the difference? Do you even care about the difference?
Thank you for providing an example of the ingrained racism of the fascist Left.
And thank you for providing an example of the mushbrained comic-book "thinking" of the authoritarian Right.
Gee, you were so busy regurgitating your Kos-Flavored Haterade, you forgot to call me a "neocon". (Whatever that word means anymore.)
Besides, this telling slip reveals the black racist heart of the fascist Left:
Trent Lott says something stupid IN 2002 and he gets walloped for it. Robert Byrd recruits men to kill blacks IN 1948 (same year Strom Thurmond ran for Prez, don'tcha know) and he's a wise sage of the Dems.
Can you spot the difference? Can you understand the difference? Do you even care about the difference?
Egads! Ignoring the straw man of Dixiecrat Thurmond being tossed in, are you really implying that as long as you participate in the murder of black men a long enough time ago (and are a Democrat), then it's not a problem with you?!?!?!?
I'm sure George Allen will appreciate the knowledge that since 50 years after killing blacks is forgivable, he should be OK to run as a Dem right now since he only allegedly said a bad word 35 years ago.
I swear to my other readers I am not posting these racist apologias from Anonymous. I'm sitting here in dazed disbelief that it's OK to lynch blacks as long as it's been a while and you're in the right Party.
While not as bad as O.J. Simpson turning a racial epithet into a greater crime than double murder, it's still pretty pathetic and does the vaunted self-proclaimed superiority of the fascists on the Left any credit.
Yeah, I know the difference between being an insensitive twit and a murderous racist. Do you know the difference? Do you care?
And in case you're planning on using the "Those were different times. Everyone lynched niggers. What's the big deal?" excuse, how come 40 year old incidents of homosexual conduct with teenaged boys are still capital offenses? (This will give you a chance to show your anti-Christian bigotry for good measure, since we've seen your racist and sexist sides. Cheers!)
Good lord, you're dense.
[i]Egads! Ignoring the straw man of Dixiecrat Thurmond being tossed in, are you really implying that as long as you participate in the murder of black men a long enough time ago (and are a Democrat), then it's not a problem with you?[/i]
[b]Point the first:[/b] Strom Thurmond wasn't randomly thrown in to my reply, as you should be quite aware. Maybe I'm giving you too much credit?
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Robert Hanlon
Thurmond was a strong proponent of segregation in 1948. Like Robert Byrd, Strom Thurmond didn't like black people.
By the early 1950s, Robert Byrd had renounced his membership in the Klan, and has been apologizing sice the 70s. Byrd learned from his mistakes. He moved [i]forward[/i].
50 years on, Trent Lott looks [i]backwards[/i], and is sad that more people didn't support Strom Thurmond, who ran on a pro-lynching, pro-segregation platform, and [i]who never renounced his beliefs[/i].
[i]That's[/i] the difference.
[b]Point the second:[/b] I wasn't aware Robert Byrd participated in the murder of amyone. Would you care to provide a link? I would think that shouldn't be too hard to document, the country's oldest serving senator being a murderer and all.
Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?
Pathetic. If you weren't such a useful example of fascist liberalism's addiction to lies and distortion, I'd be round-filing your comments for vapidity.
AFAIK, Thurmond did not run on a "pro-lynching" platform, so provide proof or we'll just add this to your list of lies.
I see you've diminished Byrd's Klan status from being a RECRUITER of soldiers to murder blacks to someone who just happened to join up because members got 10% off dinners at Cracker Barrel on Wednesdays; no racist intent, just good ol' boy funnin' around. Are you so certain that no one black had his life negatively impacted by one of Byrd's Klan recruits or does he get a pass because he's *your* racist? (Duh.)
Since there is a double-standard between comments from the Left and Right, Lott's inexplicable babblings about how people should've voted for Thurmond are used to run another Republican out of the arena while Jesse "Hymietown/Baby Daddy" Jackson is the go to race hustler and Mel Gibson is dodging crucifixtion himself.
Your comments are so transparent in your lies and distortions that you're actually convincing more people that I'm right about the Left than you are that non-Dems are racist. Quit while you've lost. You're welcome.
AFAIK, Thurmond did not run on a "pro-lynching" platform, so provide proof or we'll just add this to your list of lies.
I'm sorry, were you saying something? I can't hear you with your foot in your mouth.
That link would be an image of the actual MS ballot from the '48 election. Read the bottom, where it says:
"A vote for Truman electors is a direct order to our Congressmen and Senators from Mississippi to vote for passage of Truman's so called civil-rights program in the next Congress. This means the vicious FEPC - anti-poll tax - anti-lynching and anti-segregation proposals will become the law of the land and our way of life in the South will be gone forever."
If you are fighting to keep an anti-lynching proposal from becoming law, that makes you, by default, pro-lynching.
I see you've diminished Byrd's Klan status from being a RECRUITER of soldiers to murder blacks ... Are you so certain that no one black had his life negatively impacted by one of Byrd's Klan recruits
And I also see you've walked back your assertion that Byrd is a "murdering racist" to now being a "recruiter" who may have "negatively impacted" someone's life. I'd imagine this is due in no small part to being called out on your bullshit. You make wild accusations and you can't back them up with anything but truthiness.
I'm not going to defend Robert Byrd's actions from 60 years ago-- they aren't defensible. What I can do is say Byrd was wrong, but he recognizes it was wrong. That's a Good Thing.
You're stuck trying deperately to minimize Lott's 2002 nostalgia for the days that Robert Byrd has repudiated. It's why you look like a clown. Again.
You are so pitiful. You really should quit providing example after example of your frantic lies and distortions. Maybe you think the public is ALL as stupid as the dupes who fall for the fascist-liberal-Democrat lies under the delusion that the Dems care about women, minorities and furry animals.
Since you're just posting [bovine excrement] and because I am a merciful soul who takes no joy in beating up the handicapped, no further comments will be accepted unless they contain some actual FACTS and not spin that is disproved by your own "evidence".
That link would be an image of the actual MS ballot from the '48 election.
No, you fool. That is what is known as a "campaign ad", not a ballot. I'm not going to get into whether Thurmond "approved of this message" or not, but isn't it ironic that you're trying to sell the myth that "GOP = Racists! Dems = Good!" when the very bottom of your non-ballot says, "Printed for your information by the MISSISSIPPI STATE DEMOCRATIC PARTY" (capitals in original)
Not off to a very good start are you? :-\
If you are fighting to keep an anti-lynching proposal from becoming law, that makes you, by default, pro-lynching.
This is the same semantical hooey that makes liberals equate "pro-choice" as "anti-choice". BZZZT!!! Sorry, but again, since that is a MISSISSIPPI STATE DEMOCRATIC PARTY campaign ad, it shows that you are trying to warp one word into another and tie Thurmond to your made-up meaning. Was Thurmond a segregationist back in the bad old days? Probably, but trying to smear him with the lynching label is merely a straw man to distract from "Sheets" Byrd's ACTUAL recruiting of soldiers to kill blacks.
That's two...
And I also see you've walked back your assertion that Byrd is a "murdering racist" to now being a "recruiter" who may have "negatively impacted" someone's life. I'd imagine this is due in no small part to being called out on your bullshit. You make wild accusations and you can't back them up with anything but truthiness.
More pathetic attempts to bamboozle. Too bad the actual quotes are there to prove you the liar you are. I said "Robert Byrd recruits men to kill blacks and he's a wise sage of the Dems. I did NOT say that he committed murder himself. (That would be Ted Kennedy.) Was Byrd a racist? Undeniably. Did he recruit for the Klan? Ditto. Is it possible that his recruits harmed blacks? Duh.
I didn't walk anything back. I just stomped your lame ass and your lies. Again. You're really too easy. Are you the best the racist-sexist-fascist-Democrat Left has too offer?
You're stuck trying deperately to minimize Lott's 2002 nostalgia for the days that Robert Byrd has repudiated.
And you're stuck trying to warp my words into things they don't mean. I pointed out that Lott was run out on a rail for WORDS, yet Byrd gets a pass for his DEEDS because he's a pork-barreling Dem. Lott said he was sorry, but you aren't accepting that. Byrd may have innocent black blood on his jackboots, but since he's your racist comrade, no mention of this double-standard is allowed. Ho-kay...
Trent Lott was a loser before he stuck his foot in it and I wasn't trying to defend or minimize anything he was saying. What jokers like you keep forgetting is that just because I point out the transparent hypocrisy of the fascist Left, it doesn't mean I'm promoting the Stupid Party. Unlike drones like you, I don't rush to the aid of those with self-inflicted wounds, though I do point out when fascists like you are being hypocrites. (e.g. Medical privacy is important....unless you're Rush Limbaugh.)
Whenever someone like Lott, George Allen or Ann Coulter says something bone-headed, it's amusing to see the faux outrage flair on the Left. Jesse Jackson can say "Hymietown"; Al Sharpton can get Jews killed in race riots; Robert Byrd can recruit for the Klan, but nary a peep is uttered from you guys. But when the word "maccaca" is heard, it's break out the cross time!!! Of course, it's their own damn fault for forgetting that the Treason Media will cover up for the Left while harping on the insensitivity of the conservative. And the Stupid Party is surprised they lost?!? Yeesh.
Well, that takes care of you. All your lies, distortions and spin refuted. Better luck next time, chump. Thanks for showing how dishonest you and the Kos Kiddies are. (I couldn't make up a character as retarded as you, Bub.)
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