Despite the surprising amount of traffic here at Dirkworld®, comments are pretty scarce with the exception of one particularly rude jackhole whom I've dubbed the Anonymous Pussy because he refuses to e-mail me - the address is on the sidebar, Bub - when he wishes to ask a question, preferring to clutter unrelated topics' Backtalk sections with sneering posts trying to prop up some liberal agenda item or talking point.
Even as committed Surrendercrats like Dick "Turban" Durban and Hillary! say that the surge has shown signs of progress, the AP brays his mantra of failure, defeat and obsession that someone in Iraq may have a gun. It got to the point that I've had to post warnings and then just flat out deny comments for their inappropriateness and bad manners. This led to the predictable howls of censorship and claims that I'm afraid to debate him when the reality is that I flatten his lies so hard with facts that he should be calling for the UN to protect him.
He pulled the same old shenanigans on the prior post with the cute kitties, but since it was succinct and worthy of a quick response, I'm bringing it up as a post to cover anyone else's curiosity about current events that I've been unable to expound upon. The Anonymous Pussy burbled:
Are you bored Dirk? No comments on the Gonzalez mess or the fact that everyone on Earth thinks Hilary or Obama will be our next president?Bored? No, more like busy as hell.
I was gonna post a couple of words about Gonzo being gone-zo (har-har), but why bother? He sucked at the job and had no business being there. (The wrist slap for Sandy Burglar was typical incompetence.) The only thing I feel sorry for him about is how he was so thoroughly smeared by the Dems and their lackeys in the Treason Media. A couple of weeks ago, Time said that the only reason he was there was to protect Team Dubya from investigations. HA!!! I guess they assumed that since Janet Reno served as the Protector General of the organized criminal enterprise known as the Clinton Regime, every other AG worked the same way. Hardly, but it shows how the Left projects their sins on everyone.
As for the idea that Hillary! and Obama being a slam dunk to win, doesn't that fly in the face of conventional liberal dogmas that America is so racist, sexist and bigoted that they'd never vote for a woman or a black, no matter how criminal they are in their land deals or vacuous in their credentials? I think it does. If these two were to win power, it would be because the Stupid Party was unable to find a principled candidate to run against them and/or the Treason Media ran an exemplary smear campaign against them.
While it would be a disaster for America (and Western Civilization in general) as they Obama gladly claimed the White House for his terrorist pals like Kim Jong Il and Aquavelvashad (sp?) or Hillary! blamed the nuking of Chicago on the VRWC, them would be the breaks of the voters were so unserious that they treated their Presidential vote with less care than their "American Idol" picks.
ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS: A couple more strikes against the AP's panty-moistening Hillary!/Obama Nightmare Team are the word that Fidel Castro - the totalitarian dictator that Dems worship most - thinks they're the winning ticket and the "Driving Miss Hillary!" subtext the ticket would connote. Add in Chris Rock's thoughts on why Colin Powell would never be picked for Veep - because some brotha would shoot the President - and that's another strike against the feckless and clueless GQ cover boy.