Despite the surprising amount of traffic here at Dirkworld®, comments are pretty scarce with the exception of one particularly rude jackhole whom I've dubbed the Anonymous Pussy because he refuses to e-mail me - the address is on the sidebar, Bub - when he wishes to ask a question, preferring to clutter unrelated topics' Backtalk sections with sneering posts trying to prop up some liberal agenda item or talking point.
Even as committed Surrendercrats like Dick "Turban" Durban and Hillary! say that the surge has shown signs of progress, the AP brays his mantra of failure, defeat and obsession that someone in Iraq may have a gun. It got to the point that I've had to post warnings and then just flat out deny comments for their inappropriateness and bad manners. This led to the predictable howls of censorship and claims that I'm afraid to debate him when the reality is that I flatten his lies so hard with facts that he should be calling for the UN to protect him.
He pulled the same old shenanigans on the prior post with the cute kitties, but since it was succinct and worthy of a quick response, I'm bringing it up as a post to cover anyone else's curiosity about current events that I've been unable to expound upon. The Anonymous Pussy burbled:
Are you bored Dirk? No comments on the Gonzalez mess or the fact that everyone on Earth thinks Hilary or Obama will be our next president?Bored? No, more like busy as hell.
I was gonna post a couple of words about Gonzo being gone-zo (har-har), but why bother? He sucked at the job and had no business being there. (The wrist slap for Sandy Burglar was typical incompetence.) The only thing I feel sorry for him about is how he was so thoroughly smeared by the Dems and their lackeys in the Treason Media. A couple of weeks ago, Time said that the only reason he was there was to protect Team Dubya from investigations. HA!!! I guess they assumed that since Janet Reno served as the Protector General of the organized criminal enterprise known as the Clinton Regime, every other AG worked the same way. Hardly, but it shows how the Left projects their sins on everyone.
As for the idea that Hillary! and Obama being a slam dunk to win, doesn't that fly in the face of conventional liberal dogmas that America is so racist, sexist and bigoted that they'd never vote for a woman or a black, no matter how criminal they are in their land deals or vacuous in their credentials? I think it does. If these two were to win power, it would be because the Stupid Party was unable to find a principled candidate to run against them and/or the Treason Media ran an exemplary smear campaign against them.
While it would be a disaster for America (and Western Civilization in general) as they Obama gladly claimed the White House for his terrorist pals like Kim Jong Il and Aquavelvashad (sp?) or Hillary! blamed the nuking of Chicago on the VRWC, them would be the breaks of the voters were so unserious that they treated their Presidential vote with less care than their "American Idol" picks.
ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS: A couple more strikes against the AP's panty-moistening Hillary!/Obama Nightmare Team are the word that Fidel Castro - the totalitarian dictator that Dems worship most - thinks they're the winning ticket and the "Driving Miss Hillary!" subtext the ticket would connote. Add in Chris Rock's thoughts on why Colin Powell would never be picked for Veep - because some brotha would shoot the President - and that's another strike against the feckless and clueless GQ cover boy.
Another interesting article here. You should tell them that Durban and Hillary say the surge is going great! lol
Btw, did you hear what happened in Basra last week? The British pulled out to the outskirts and guess who showed up to take over the police headquarters? The Mahdi Army, who proceeded to loot the place down to the walls! Oh yeah, that Iraqi government is doing great. Don't you love democracy? As your hero Donald Rumsfeld once noted, ""Democracy is untidy. Freedom is untidy. Liberation is untidy." LOL!
Pentagon won't make surge recommendation to Bush
WASHINGTON — In a sign that top commanders are divided over what course to pursue in Iraq, the Pentagon said Wednesday that it won't make a single, unified recommendation to President Bush during next month's strategy assessment, but instead will allow top commanders to make individual presentations. ...
The increase was intended to reduce violence so that Iraq's politicians would have time to broker deals on some of the country's most divisive issues. Instead, Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki's government is floundering and Iraq's various political and ethnic factions are battling for control of the country.
An assessment by 16 U.S. intelligence agencies last week foresaw little progress during the next 12 months in efforts to reconcile Iraq's warring ethnic groups. It also reported that civilian deaths and violence remained at high levels.
Fuck those Democrats at the Pentagon! Get in line with Hillary and Durban and Little Green Footballs! HA HA!
Btw Dirk, you should report on CNN and MSNBC refusing to run those ridiculous pro-war ads that conflate Iraq and 9/11. Did you see those ads? Oh man, how far will these sick bastards go? Amazing stuff!
During a dress rehearsal for D-Day, there was an accident that killed over 1000 soldiers. Under the non-logic of the Anonymous Pussy and his, the ONLY story of D-Day would be the failure, not the eventual victory in the overall war.
This a typical comment from the AP, albeit more restrained in tone so as to prevent a round-filing of his defeatism because he can't be polite about it. He trolls (heh) the appeasement sites in search of bad news to clutch to his bosom as proof that clean surrender is the only acceptable option when the alternative is a messy victory. Peace through surrender, he says!
That we haven't been attacked on our soil for nearly six years is meaningless. That we're killing terrorists over there and nabbing terror cells here is meaningless. The only thing that matters is getting revenge upon Dubya for denying the Left's Divine Right to rule over us and if the world has to be sacrificed to Islamofascism in order to f*ck over Dubya, then SO BE IT, right? Pathetic.
Also pathetic is your feeble attempt to smear the Freedoms Watch ads that CNN and MSNBC refused to run because they say "DON'T SURRENDER! DON'T WASTE OUR SACRIFICE!" instead of their preferred "NO MAS! NO MAS!" message of appeasement and defeat they're selling as part of their dmimmi agenda and general anti-Dubya jihad.
I'd seen the story, but hadn't watched the ads for myself and while I'd known you traded in the usual liberal distortions, anyone can see that your Kool-Aid-tinted glasses and general dishonesty are combining in an attempt to bamboozle people into seeing what you want them to see, not what's actually there. Unfortunately for you, people can just click over and see how you're lying.
We were attacked by Islamofascists on 9/11 and we're fighting Islamofascists in Iraq, Afghanistan and Ann Arbor. (*snort*) This isn't conflating anything, but accurately seeing the war in the Big Picture terms that it requires, but that liberals can't perceive because they are so narrow-minded and myopic.
Liberals like AP have swallowed their own Big Lie that Islamofascism is nothing more than something cooked up by Karl Rove and Frank Luntz. There is also an element of doublethink involved as we're supposed to believe that Islamofascism...
1. Is the legitimate response of oppressed peoples against American Imperialism, and...
B. Doesn't exist at all.
Everyone else see the problem? Would someone please get with the AP and 'splain it to him? kthxbai!
If we had a President who was able to properly articulate the stakes in this battle for the future of Western Civilization, we wouldn't need TV commercials to explain WTF is going on. Dubya's crippling inarticulateness was a top reason why I didn't vote for him in '04 and why the war is so dimly viewed by a public being fed well-told lies that trump his badly-told truths. I suppose AP is a Treason Media wannabe. Good thing the Truth is on our side and not his and his fellow travellers'.
"we're killing terrorists over there"
That canard? Find me one authority that says the Iraq war has resulted in a diminishment of the growth of Islamic terrorists. You can't find one. Everyone agrees that this war has led to an increase in the growth of Al Queda. But you don't care about that. You like Islamic terrorism.
"Liberals like AP have swallowed their own Big Lie that Islamofascism is nothing more than something cooked up by Karl Rove and Frank Luntz."
Well then, I'm glad I'm not a liberal. Radical Islam is certainly a cause for concern. The question is: how do you defeat it? As noted above, the Iraq war has caused the GROWTH of radical Islam, not the DIMINISHMENT of radical Islam. Facts are facts. Feel free to ignore them as usual!
"If we had a President who was able to properly articulate the stakes in this battle for the future of Western Civilization"
The Iraq War is a battle for Western Civilization now? LOL! You can't really believe that. Whether you like it or not, we are going to leave behind a a FAILED STATE. Do you disagree? What do you think we are going to leave behind? A flourishing democracy with McDonald's and Walmarts? Can you be that clueless? Iraq is a failed state with countless militias fighting each other for power. There is NO SUCH THING as "Iraq" anymore. Can you not see that? Are you that blind.
That is my analysis. Rather than attack me, let's see you put forth your vision of Iraq now and in the future. Do you know enough to do so? Let's see it. Put your money where your mouth is. But no, you won't do that. You either won't post this response, or you will ignore the content and go on your own rant about the Treason Media and the liberals! Sad. Truly sad. Every time I challenge you to an informed debate, you can't do it. That is because you are NOT INFORMED!
The last line is the laugher that moots everything before it: "Every time I challenge you to an informed debate, you can't do it. That is because you are NOT INFORMED!" By the time I'm done shredding this loaf you pinched, the only one believing this will be you!
"we're killing terrorists over there"
That canard? Find me one authority that says the Iraq war has resulted in a diminishment of the growth of Islamic terrorists. You can't find one.
This is a favorite semantical gambit of the defeatist side as they try to use "magic math" (it's like liberal "magical thinking") to claim that every dead terrorist is a plus-one addition to the bad guy team. This sort of nonsense also leads liberals to howl that Republicans are CUTTING programs when the budget keeps skyrocketing. How does that work? Well, if $100 million is spent in one year and the plan is to spend $200 million in the next, if a Stupid Partier only signs off on $150 million in spending, the liberals shriek that the cold-hearted GOP has "slashed" $50 million from the budget when spending has clearly INCREASED by 50%. In the Orwellian Doublespeak argot of the Left, increases are decreases.
Everyone agrees that this war has led to an increase in the growth of Al Queda.
"Everyone" is the mythical cohort that agrees with the point the arguer is trying to make. "Everyone likes it; why don't you? Everyone hates you. Everyone thinks Hillary and Obama are going to win." A wise English teacher told me long ago to watch out for absolutes - all, none, everyone, no one - in arguments because they are almost always not true. YOU think that every dead jihadist results in five new ones growing in his place - kinda like why you don't pluck gray hairs - but under that thinking, every dead Nazi in WWII should've led to more Nazis. Reality doesn't exist for the Left. Lewis Carroll wouldn't recognize the bizarre world that liberal like in. Such crazy surroundings lead to crazy burblings like...
But you don't care about that. You like Islamic terrorism.
Yeah, I want gays murdered, no music, no booze, Gwen Stefani in a burqua and strict theological rule under a reborn Islamic Caliphate. Wow. Why do I bother replying to you when you're either so rude or so f*cking retarded?
"Liberals like AP have swallowed their own Big Lie that Islamofascism is nothing more than something cooked up by Karl Rove and Frank Luntz."
Well then, I'm glad I'm not a liberal.
If it walks, talks and quacks like a....
Radical Islam is certainly a cause for concern.
Haven't I been saying that while you try to lie and say I like terrorism?
The question is: how do you defeat it?
By DEFEATING IT! Duh! How do you defeat a murderous ideology with designs on dragging Western Civilization back to the 8th Century? Cower on your knees and beg to be spared? Pretend that you're flock of sheep isn't being clipped by the wolves eaten at the edges? Or do you f*cking send them to their 72 virgins before they can blow up a pizza place or a 110-story office building?
As noted above, the Iraq war has caused the GROWTH of radical Islam, not the DIMINISHMENT of radical Islam. Facts are facts. Feel free to ignore them as usual!
As you've tried to contend in defiance of reality. As Daniel Patrick Moynahan - a Democrat who would be crucified as a "neocon" (read: Nazi) by your ilk these days - once said, "You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts." I don't ignore facts, but I also don't debate fantasies. You may want to make the case that Harry Potter is a cooler wizard that Gandalf, but that doesn't make it a fact. Capice?
The irony of the Anonymous Pussy's argument about how has the war reduced terrorism is a hoot when you consider that liberals seriously believe that 40 years of transferring trillions of wealth to the poor from the producers by force hasn't had any detrimental effects and that all we need to do is spend more to win the War on Poverty. Heh. Right.
"If we had a President who was able to properly articulate the stakes in this battle for the future of Western Civilization"
The Iraq War is a battle for Western Civilization now? LOL! You can't really believe that.
Once again, dishonest semantics in action. I've said that the badly-labeled "War on Terror" is a battle for the future of humanity with a victory resulting in freedom for the world and defeat leading to an endless night of terror and death for all who aren't on Team Jihad. Iraq is but a front in the war as is Afghanistan. You remember that place, don't you? That's the place that Dems pretend they preferred we'd be fighting when we know damn well that if we'd stayed only in Afghanistan, that they'd instead be shrieking about why hasn't Dubya done something about Saddam and his WMDs?
Islamic terror is blowing up subways in London, trains in Madrid, night clubs in Bali, anything in Israel, beheading Christian schoolgirls in Indonesia, and so on and so on and so on. Bad things were happening all over the world BEFORE 9/11, BEFORE the Iraq War, but in the Big Lies of the Left as parroted by the Anonymous Pussy here, all Islamist terror is the result of the Iraq War as if 9/11/2001 happened AFTER our invasion in April 2003. That's the delusional state of mind held by much of the Left.
Whether you like it or not, we are going to leave behind a a FAILED STATE. Do you disagree? What do you think we are going to leave behind? A flourishing democracy with McDonald's and Walmarts? Can you be that clueless? Iraq is a failed state with countless militias fighting each other for power. There is NO SUCH THING as "Iraq" anymore. Can you not see that? Are you that blind.
Well, we haven't cut and run yet, so declaring that it's going to be a failed state is premature. Then again, that's the whole idea, isn't it? You and your fellow surrender monkeys like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi provide aid and comfort to the enemy, demoralize the troops and the American public and after we drag out of their and the killing fields begin, smugly sit back and sneer, "Told ya so! Ha-ha!" You want political revenge on Dubya so badly that you're willing to sacrifice thousands of our troops, billions of our treasure and millions of innocent civilians stuck in the middle there just to be able to rub your nub and call yourself Nostradamus.
Are you so f*cking dense as to believe that sectarian tensions didn't exist before the war, under Saddam's tyranical regime? You're trying to foist the meme that Michael Moore pooped out in "Farginghype 7-Eleven" that Iraq was as peaceful as neighboring Amish and Mennonite towns and didn't need an iron fist to keep them quiet. Remember what happened to Yugoslavia after the death of Tito (not Michael Jackson's brother) and the fall of the Soviet Union? Didn't that get all tribal and civil warry? How can you blame that on America? I'm sure you'll try. Facts and reality haven't stopped you yet.
Besides, until France ad England redrew the maps, there wasn't an Iraq before. You're just upset that a tyrannical dictatorship fell. You guys love the idea of yielding unfettered power over people and weep whenever citizens aren't afraid of your KGB agents and death squads.
That is my analysis.
Where? I saw a bunch of easily refuted blather with no answers of your own and just taunts coming from your side.
Rather than attack me, let's see you put forth your vision of Iraq now and in the future. Do you know enough to do so? Let's see it. Put your money where your mouth is.
It's not my job to put forth a vision for Iraq. I've posted over the years that it'd be nice if they took the leash off our troops and let them get down to the business they're trained to do: kill people and break stuff. Instead, Dubya has practiced "compassionate warmaking" and tried to pander to a Treason Media that has actively undermined national security without consequences. When Dana Priest gets a Pulitzer instead of prison stripes at Leavenworth, then you know that Team Dubya is all talk on security. The only thing worse would be putting fascist Dems in instead.
But no, you won't do that. You either won't post this response, or you will ignore the content and go on your own rant about the Treason Media and the liberals! Sad. Truly sad.
Well, unfortunately for you, I did post your response and just used it to tear you and your specious and dishonest crap to shreds, leaving your wack ass served and PWNED!
Every time I challenge you to an informed debate, you can't do it. That is because you are NOT INFORMED!
Now everyone knows why I put this line up on top: YOU can't muster the intellectual rigor for a debate; you try to argue fictions; you're straitjacketed by your ideological dogmas and the pathologies that cripple most extreme liberals such as yourself. Thanks for playing, playa hater.
Class dismissed? Ha! Dirk, you have never served in the military and you have never studied military strategy. Unlike me, you are nothing but a keyboard commando.
What is with you wingnuts and your comparisons to WW II? Are you familiar with the concept of Fourth Generation Warfare? WW II was not a 4GW. Comparisons are to WWII are pointless and silly and only used for propaganda purposes. And you buy into it hook, line and sinker. You can read about 4GW at the "liberal" website "Defense and the National Interest", one of my favorite "liberal" web sites (lol). Here is a primer for you:
Go to the home page and you can find plenty more on 4GW, or you can turn on the Rush Limbaugh as usual.
"As you've tried to contend in defiance of reality."
So you contend that the Iraq war has not led to the growth of radical islam? Sigh.
"Well, we haven't cut and run yet, so declaring that it's going to be a failed state is premature."
It is already a failed state! Jeebus. One defining aspect of a government is that is has a monopoly on violence. Another is its coercive power to force people to do things. Another is its legitimacy in the eyes of its citizens. The Iraq govt. has none of these things. No ability influence actions on the ground. Do you ever actually read anything or do you just listen to talk radio? Did you read about the various cities who are disconnecting from the national power grid? That the police and military and controlled by militias and not the Iraqi govt.? Do you know any of these things? And you are going to school me? Get a grip on reality, Dirk.
"Are you so f*cking dense as to believe that sectarian tensions didn't exist before the war?"
Of course not. I am not blaming anything on America. It was a natural consequence of overthrowing the Hussein regime. A consequence that the Administration was warned about and chose to ignore while they put on their rose colored glasses. Don't blame me. The point is: we are in the middle of it and can't stop it. That is the point.
"It's not my job to put forth a vision for Iraq."
Who said it was? Is that your way of weaseling out of having to state an opinion? I guess so.
Intellectual rigor? Dirk, you don't even know what 4GW is and you think you can teach me something? Not on your best day. You know your boy Bush stepped in a pile of crap, now you are just waiting for the inevitable pullout so you can blame the "liberals".
I will be reading about the Joint Chiefs meeting, reading the GAO report and the Congressional testimony. You will listening to the 60 second synopsis on Rush Limbaugh. And you are going to school me? That's a joke and you know it. Have a nice day with your AM radio and
And btw Dirk, this little comment is just a sample of your intellectual dishonesty, "comments are pretty scarce". There hasn't been a comment by anyone but me in how many months or years? "Pretty scarce"? How about "nonexistent"? You seem to have a small problem with the truth. No wonder you are living in la la land with your views on the Iraq war. PWNED indeed! Now, will you post this or delete it like you always do after you PWN me? LOL! No wonder you always want to take it to email. And you call me a pussy? Look in the mirror.
Boy, you just can't stop being the asstackler, can you? How can anyone take your attempts at seriousness seriously when you can't stop pathologically twisting reality into knots? First you lie about the Freedoms Watch ads and when you get called out on that, you scamper away toss out this manure about how "pretty scarce" is dishonest. How does that work? Other than you and your incessant begging for attention and rudeness, I don't get many comments, but then again I don't get many hits which for a blog that isn't actively promoted and can only be found by looking at profiles is understandable. If I was promoting the heck out of this site and had so little response, then I'd be worried, but seeing how infrequently I've been updating it, you can see that you're more obsessed with the place than I am. I've got a handful of RSS subscribers, get s few hits, and at least one scary crazoid stalker; not bad for hardly trying, no? Other than your ravings, I get the odd comment on older posts, so in other words, comments are pretty scarce. Are you so poisoned with liberal rage that your Manichean viewpoint can't parse those words? There aren't many comments, but there are some, ergo, "pretty scarce". If I had said "few and far between", would that have escaped your ire? Probably not.
That link you provided was interesting, but if you read the next page and their catalog of reason why it's all America's fault for 4GW, you can see that they're looking thru the "it's all our fault" glasses which distort everything to fit the preconceived notions that America affects everything and thus must stand still and do nothing to upset the balance of nature. Please. They blame poverty and hopelessness on terror, yet the latest round of British jihadists were DOCTORS and the 9/11 gang had plenty of education between them. The Left's romantic notion of the poor rising in suicidal reaction to Bad Rich People (as opposed to Good Rich People like the Kennedys, John Francois Kerry, and Jon "Buckle up!" Corzine) sounds good until you realize that the only potential suicide bombers in the Metro Detroit area will come from Dearbornistan and not the Gratiot-Harper area. So much for the poverty excuse.
I don't have time to waste picking through your bile-soaked post because half my department is on vacation and I'm picking up the slack. It's not as if you're interested in exploring the issues as much as sneering, lying and trying to destroy someone who, by your own judgement, has no readers. Quite the giant killer, aren't you? I've proven you the liar and dishonest smear artist repeatedly, yet you keep slinging dumb comments - "you like terrorism", "you don't read"; who are you Patsy Schroeder? - and try to blow as much smoke as you can to cover the fact that you're a lying liberal asstackler who lives in a fantasy world where modern Islamic terrorism is a response to actions in 2003, not a festering idealogy of terror and death that's been brewing since the 1940s.
Go read some stuff that doesn't merely reinforce your rigid preconceptions. I recommend "The Looming Tower", but "America Alone" is a faster read. Oh, and get off the insult kick. I've published two of your comments in a row that you sneered I wouldn't. I'm not afraid of you because I've got the Truth on my side and your lies are so easily exposed. You exist to prove that your side is insane and dangerous and you serve that purpose well. If you're trying to convince anyone of anything, you're going to have to stop lying first. You have no credibility by your own actions.
Even though people like you are a danger, I'm just a cock-eyed optimist that the clarity of Truth will sink into your diseased heads and get you on the side of fighting for survival, not just smugly dying of mistaken superiority.
"to cover the fact that you're a lying liberal asstackler who lives in a fantasy world where modern Islamic terrorism is a response to actions in 2003, not a festering idealogy of terror and death that's been brewing since the 1940s."
And btw, never anywhere did ever say anything remotely like this. And yet you ascribe this notion to me. Why? What I have said, and many conservatives agree with me, is that the Iraq war has led to the growth and strengthening of Al Queda and Islamic terrorism, not it's decline. Read Imperial Hubris - Scheuer and many others maintain this is true. You seem to believe that there are a fixed number of Islamic terrorists and all we have to do is kill them and problem solved. I believe this is propaganda that you have been sucked into believing. There are not a fixed number of terrorists. It is an ideology that spreads or declines based upon it's power to attract followers.
Imperial Hubris: Why the West Is Losing the War on Terrorism (Hardcover, 2004)
Author: Anonymous, Michael Scheuer
Only $1.36 at
Brave New War: The Next Stage of Terrorism and the End of Globalization (Hardcover, 2007)
Author: John Robb
13.30 at
Gee, you only read books that support your predetermined and unshakable-by-reality-and-facts view that trying to kill bad guys is wrong and that understanding and appeasement are preferable. Why am I not surprised?
Terrorists are able to hide amongst the civilians they are killing partially out of support and partially out of fear. These psychos are building bombs and hiding munitions in the neighborhoods that Akbar and Fatima are just trying to get by. If they fear being killed by jihadis more than GI Joe, then they're going to cooperate. If we had responded to the killing of those contractors near Fallujah by leveling the city and all within it, the word would've rapidly spread that harboring jihadis was painting a bullseye on your 'hood and the enthusiasm for playing along would be greatly reduced.
But, we didn't. Dubya pussied out and practiced compassionate warfighting in the hopes that the enemy would just stop killing us because we were so darn nice. Dubya hoped the Treason Media would perhaps be less likely to collaborate with the enemy. Heck of a job there, Dub.
War is nasty business. It is fought until one side decides it's sick of dying. As the hand-wringing of the weak-willed ignorant masses and appeasers shows, we don't have the stomach to fight and that Osama had our number when Clinton cut and ran from Somalia: We are the weak horse, and people will prefer his strong horse of Al Queda. People want to vote for the winner; it makes sense.
I snort when people talk about the war because there isn't any war going on. People are watching TV and going to the mall unaffected by what's happening in the world. There are no Victory Bond drives or rationing. They swallow the spin of the Treason Media without question as they're told we are losers and the enemy is too strong and we must run away to be safe.
You have no knowledge of our enemy and the threat the West faces. You are a blind fool and your ilk are going to get us killed. Wake the f*ck up and go read the books I recommended. I know you won't because you don't want to risk having your dogma house shaken to its foundations. (Heaven forbid that you discover that I've been right and you've been wrong all along!) Get out of your bubble of self-centered ignorance.
It's so ironic that you liberals spew the meme that Dubya and conservatives have no intellectual curiosity when it's your side who holds their beliefs with religious fervor and refuse to allow differing ideas. Your kind call people not suckered by the Goreacle "deniers"; physically attack or shout down speakers on college campuses; enforce speech codes; dictate how people should be able to consume vices like sex, smoke, alcohol....wait a wonder you're on the side of the Taliban!!!
Have a nice weekend. This topic is closed.
"Wake the f*ck up and go read the books I recommended."
Wow. I listed some of the books I read in my first post, including the Looming Tower, one of two you recommended. But you didn't post that one. You responded like you never read that post at all. You said I would never read those books when you know damn well that I already read one! You are a liar. And you know it! Say goodbye to your only poster. You sick lying fuck! Btw, I know Hermione is a cat! LOL!
The thing that has always baffled me about unhinged moonbats like you is why you insist on lying when the Truth is easily discoverable and is at odds with your contentions.
"Wow. I listed some of the books I read in my first post, including the Looming Tower, one of two you recommended."
EVERY SINGLE COMMENT you have made in this thread as been posted as your pinched them off. None have been rejected; no editing has been done - none can be done as anyone with a Blogger blog knows. It's an all-or-nothing deal.
Instead of simply claiming you've read "The Looming Tower" - despite how your ignorant and specious comments refutes such a claim on its face - you had to go and say you posted it in your first post when anyone can just scroll up and see that YOU DIDN'T! Other than some assorted web links and "Imperial Hubris", you've mentioned NOTHING about what you've been reading.
I've always said that I allow comments from asstacklers like you because you provide living examples of the unbridled rage and dishonesty of those on the extreme fascist Left and you've stepped up and doused yourself in shame repeatedly. From lying about the Freedoms Watch ads (easily found to verify your inaccuracy) to lying that "pretty scarce" means something other than it does to lying about what you've posted here, you're your own worst enemy.
If you were to stop commenting, it would simultaneously free up time for me that would otherwise wasted bitchslapping your lying ass from here to Timbuktu and back AND raise the collective IQ of the Backtalk section by at least 250% percent.
Don't get the doorknob stuck in your bunghole, Arsenio! Buh-bye!
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