John McCain has reportedly selected Alaska guv'ner Sarah Palin as his veep. Reaction across the Blogosphere is very positive, but I, like most, don't know much about her, so I can't reasonably opine as to her merits at the moment. However, this is part of Yuval Levin's post on the announcement:
The positives, though, are exceptionally great. She will connect tremendously well with middle class parents, at a gut level and not only a rhetorical level. Undecided women are likely to find her very appealing. Her personal story—an athlete as well as a beauty queen contestant in her youth, deeply religious but not overbearing about it, a hunter and former professional fisher(wo)man—is interesting and impressive. Her family story—from marrying her high school sweetheart the snowmobile racer to the son about to deploy to Iraq, to the wonderful way she has welcomed her Down Syndrome son—is lovely and inspiring. And on the issues, she’s the kind of conservative the country tends like best. Her unabashed but non-confrontational pro-life views will contrast in the most dramatic possible way with Obama and be nicely illustrated by her own life; she opposes gay marriage but is otherwise friendly to gay rights; she’s an ethics reformer and anti-pork fanatic (she killed the “bridge to nowhere”); great on energy, and something of a conservative reformer in general, though she hasn’t said much to my knowledge about health care and taxes—which I suppose makes her a good vehicle for McCain’s positions on those. And while you won't hear it much from the Democrats or the press, there's the historic female vice president element tooMcCain needed a game-changing pick - the Treason Media was hoping he'd go for Lieberman because it would destroy any hope of winning - and this is exactly that. She's MORE conservative than the top of the ticket; she lives her life the way many voters do; and when the liberals tear into her for not toeing the orthodox liberal line, it will reveal to many women who just float to the Left side because of the meme that "the Stupid Party hates women and just wants them as brood mares" that liberalism is a sexist ideology on top of being racist and all the other -ists they project upon the Right and smear them as being. The militant pro-abortion women will hate her for having a child that they'd offer as a prime case for termination, but who cares? A woman with a Down's baby vs. a guy (Obama) who doesn't believe abortion survivors should receive medical treatment? I'll watch that brawl.
FIVE MINUTE LATER UPDATE: How predictable is the Treason Media and their agenda? ABC has this single line on their front page:
Staunchly against abortion rights, Palin satisfies McCain's conservative base.Not "pro-life", but "anti-woman and thus perfect for those caveman RePIGlicans". Abortion is the sacrament of liberalism. Every live birth makes them sad. Let them run on that and see what it gets them.
so does McCain have a chance? Or is Michael Savage right and he blew it?
Hard to say whether he blew it or saved himself - ask me Nov. 5th - but it's been interesting to see the reactions from both sides. Conservatives are either over the moon for her or whining and liberals are being flat out hypocrites.
They SAY they're "pro-choice", not "pro-abortion", but they're attacking her decision to choose to have a Down's Syndrome baby. They SAY a woman can have it all - a family and career - but are now slamming her for not staying home with her children, especially the Down's one. The SAY it's wrong to have someone so inexperienced a heartbeat away from the Big Chair, but ignore that their inexperienced Messiah would be THE heartbeat in the Big Chair.
Naturally, this is all because she's a conservative and not a liberal. In the world of so-called "diverse" and "tolerant" liberals, any woman or minority who isn't in goosestep with them is to be marginalized or destroyed for heresy against their caste.
No one is attacking her for giving birth to her child. I have only heard questions about the wisdom of returning to work three days after giving birth a month prematurely, following an 11-plus hour plane ride from Texas to Alaska instead of checking into a Texas hospital - thereby putting her child at even greater risk. That is not the sort of decision-making I want anywhere near the White House.
Considering you don't want anything other than extreme liberal fascists in power, if Palin had aborted her entire family, but wasn't running on National Socialist, er, Dem ticket, you wouldn't want her anywhere near the White House either.
The hypocrisy of liberals never ceases to amaze me. A guy with no accomplishments to his name; who is cozy with domestic terrorists; had his house bought with the assistance of a convicted felon; who sat for 20 years in the pews of a racist church; who reflexively blames America when Russia invades Georgia; this guy has great judgment but a conservative woman doesn't.
Well, the conservative woman wants to ban books from libraries (why? what is so scary about knowledge?); wants to take away my right to make medical decisions that are none of the state's business; only turned down the "bridge to nowhere" when she read the fine print and realized it wasn't a gift of fatty, porky goodness from Washington, but something her state would have to kick in some cash for - and I would posit that the good people of Ketchikan take umbrage at their city being referred to as "nowhere". She says it's God's will that we're in Iraq, and had no clue that the Pledge of Allegiance wasn't part of the founding fathers' playbook but was written in 1892. She was also blithely unaware that "under God" was added as a bald-faced political move during the Eisenhower administration.
Her stridency and surety that America needs to be the pitbull of the planet hasn't worked all that well when placed in the light of the Constitution. I'm a devout Constitutionalist, Dirk - and she, like too many of her fellow neocons, seem to think that some parts are more equal than others. No thanks - I would prefer that the poster girl for the American Taliban not be in the White House.
I'm strapped for time; fortunately this is gonna be real easy to dismantle:
Well, the conservative woman wants to ban books from libraries (why? what is so scary about knowledge?);
Provide proof. No, DailyKos ad hominems about "mouth-breathing fundies" doesn't count.
wants to take away my right to make medical decisions that are none of the state's business;
When has she done this? Again, proof, not liberal fear-mongering about anyone who isn't a liberal.
only turned down the "bridge to nowhere" when she read the fine print and realized it wasn't a gift of fatty, porky goodness from Washington, but something her state would have to kick in some cash for
Joe Biden, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton all voted for the Iraq War and then flipped back when their defeatist base demanded surrender over victory. When people change positions, why is it only wrong when it's not a liberal? Only rigid liberals like you seem offended by change. Why is that?
and I would posit that the good people of Ketchikan take umbrage at their city being referred to as "nowhere".
There's only 50 of them, so I could care less. I live near the 11th largest city in the country and New York elitists like you have no problem crapping on us, so your point was?
She says it's God's will that we're in Iraq,
Proof please.
and had no clue that the Pledge of Allegiance wasn't part of the founding fathers' playbook but was written in 1892.
Barack Obama thinks there are 57 or 58 states and that Pennsylvania's team is the "Nittally Lions". How stupid is he or are you just applying a ridiculous double-standard in which no amount of errors for a liberal matter but pronouncing that atom-splitting energy form "new-cue-lar" is automatic disqualification from life?
She was also blithely unaware that "under God" was added as a bald-faced political move during the Eisenhower administration.
Obama doesn't know that Russia has a veto on the UN Security Council; which is worse? Oh, that's right...
Her stridency and surety that America needs to be the pitbull of the planet hasn't worked all that well when placed in the light of the Constitution.
What the hell does that even mean? Do you even know what you regurgitate from your programmers?
I'm a devout Constitutionalist, Dirk
Bwahahahahahahaha!!! The hell you are!!! If you were, you'd understand that gun ownership rights are explicitly in there and that the Left's sacrament of abortion is NOT! You'd be appalled at the expanding socialism of the government and frightened of Obama's fascist proposals for further control. But, you're not, so you ain't no Constitutionist, devout or otherwise. (You're devout like Nancy Pelosi is as a Catholic: in name only.)
and she, like too many of her fellow neocons, seem to think that some parts are more equal than others.
Oooooooh, you used the N-word. You're letting your roots show. Again, provide citations of where she's said some parts are more equal than others. Just because someone doesn't goosestep with your Brownshirt legions doesn't mean they're all the names you call them.
No thanks - I would prefer that the poster girl for the American Taliban not be in the White House.
Uh-huh...."American Taliban", so clever. Make that up yourself or did you...just kidding, of course you didn't. Liberals are like the Borg - totally hive mind, totally programmed, only able to pull their Chatty Cathy strings and belch out short phrases like "Neocon!" and "American Taliban" and "Neocon!" I'll bet you think you're making sense even as the facts (as in your total lack of them) shame you.
Have a nice weekend! Have fun believing whatever suits your prejudices!! Ta!!!
Note to readers: These exchanges have not been made up in order to falsely portray liberals as the fact-deprived hypocrites they are. This poster is a real person from a message board I frequent. She's a former NPR employee and as you can see, you can take the liberal drone out of NPR, but you can't take the NPR programming out of the drone. I hear she's quite nice otherwise, but she sure isn't bringing her friendly side here.
Dirk, I sent you a response to the above posting. You haven't placed it on the site. You disappoint me.
I saw it and it merits a commensurate response, but I've been too busy to give it its proper due. I will get around to it shortly; probably this weekend.
Not everyone gets their comments posted. (Mostly asstacklers with nothing useful to contribute or off-topic hecklers.) Yours will go up, but I want it followed by my reply.
Fair enough. Hope you had a chance to see Palin's interview with Charles Gibson as well as parts of her speech at her church. She no more needs to be VP than the angry drunk at the local watering hole.
Your vile anti-Christian bigotry is giving liberal atheists a bad name. If you were to get outside of your NYC cocoon, you'd realize that Gibson's badgering interview is driving women in droves away from the Treason Media's Anointed One. You can't see it because you are in full-blown Palin Derangement Syndrome, but people are noticing the concentrated effort to destroy this women for the sin of not being a liberal. I'm trying to find time to whip up a post about it. Stay tuned, not that you'll understand any of it. Enjoy your echo chamber.
Okay, Dirk - I gave it a chance. I tried to have a conversation with you. I don't think it's possible, and that's a drag.
In a nutshell: I live in a small town - smaller than Wassila. I have no problem with the second amendment. I have no problem with god (I do have an issue with dogma of many stripes, however). I am neither vile nor am I anti-Christian. I manage to have some pretty spirited conversations around my dinner table with the pastors of both the Baptist and Catholic churches in my town - yes, I actually have "men of the cloth" as friends. I have no problem with social conservatives until they try to tell me that I should live and believe as they do. Laissez-faire, my friend. Again, you blow up at me in the most hateful terms instead of taking a deep breath and actually listening. Your loss, I think...
Why is it the moment you call people out on their hatefulness, they get all haughty and offended and sniff, "Well! I just can't talk with you. Goodbye!"?
You could live in a place where the town meetings could be held in a phone booth and you'd still be living in a NYC cocoon. As noted, you're NPR dogmas are pretty baked in. I don't care if some of your best friends are servants of God, your antipathy toward people who actually practice the tenets of the Bible is glaring. The only religious folks you'll stomach are the "devout Catholics" like Pelosi and Biden who so grossly lie about Catholic teachings that numerous bishops and cardinals publicly rebuke them and discuss denying them communion for their heresy.
The biggest laugh of your latest bleat is this irony-deficient bon mot: "I have no problem with social conservatives until they try to tell me that I should live and believe as they do. Laissez-faire, my friend."
Bwahahahahahahahahaha!!! Are you really that daft? Under social LIBERAL demands and goals, guns are to be barred from law-abiding citizens despite Constitutional guarantees; we're no longer able to choose whether we can smoke (in the name of protecting children and waitresses); ordered to not have transfats in our foods; paying skyrocketing food prices because environmental nuts demand we burn ethanol because it's supposed to be "greener", nevermind the massive negative impact on the planet as South Americans cut down the rain forests to plant more profitable foods; pay skyrocketing fuel prices because fetishing caribou is more important than tapping our natural resources; speech codes on college campuses that stifle expression (but since its conservatives muzzled, you're cool with it); and this is just a taste.
From the moment Palin was announced you and yours have spewed nothing but rage and lies against her - "angry drunk", "poster girl for the American Taliban", "wants to ban books" (disproved smear), "wants to take away my right to make medical decisions" (just can't bring yourself to say "abortion", can you? Why not?), "She says it's God's will that we're in Iraq" (a lie so desperate that Gibson just joined Dan Rather in the throw-away-cred-to-assassinate-Republicans club) - and you have the chutzpah to say that I "blow up at [you] in the most hateful terms"?!? HA!!!
Why don't you ask one of your good cleric friends about that Biblical passage about the motes and beams and get some decaf in you before you embarrass yourself further, mmmkay?
Obama is collapsing rapidly in the polls and starting to drag down Congressional Dem numbers with him. It's not because McCain suddenly stopped sucking and Palin is so utterly awesome, but that the Treason Media and unhinged people like you are so frightening with your hyperbolic attacks that sane voters are making the reasonable determination that the levers of power shouldn't be in the hands of such immature and angry people such as yourselves. With certain victory within grasp, you crazies just blew it. Again.
Dude, chill. I gave you my thoughts on issues. I tried to explain that *I* have no problem with the second amendment, *I* can have a civil conversation with people of differing faiths and we all go home maybe a little more enlightened about each others' beliefs (whether or not we change our minds). I don't want anyone's religious beliefs legislated. Is that so wrong? You seem to think there is a Little Red Book for NPR - guess what - there isn't. And I worked with plenty of Republicans when I worked for the NYC affiliate (by the way, I still do work for them, just so you keep my resumé updated). You are the one who paints with so broad a brush that you can't see the thoughtful, smart individuals on both sides of the political fence who truly want the best for the country and think McCain's choice was a bad one.
I don't think the GOP has earned another four years at the helm. Me. Personally. Not speaking ex cathedra for any group or ideology.
You want to keep lumping this individual in with whatever you term Treason Media or NPR kool-aid drinkers or whatever other dismissive term you care to use, that's fine. This is your forum, I get it.
I did have the faintest glimmer of hope that we could have a civil discussion. It is obvious from all of your messages to me that this is not the case. I'm not taking my ball and going home - it's your ball, it's your hard feelings, my friend. Anytime you want to actually converse, let me know. My PM mailbox on the Rope isn't nearly as full as yours. Peace.
Oh, boo-friggedy-hoo. Love how you ignore that you've been slinging some pretty nasty rhetoric and when called on it, you go crying that I need to chill. Wah.
I don't think the GOP has earned another four years at the helm.
Me neither. If you took a moment to realize that just because someone isn't seig heiling the Obamessiah with the rest of the VR doesn't mean they're Kerl Rove's butt monkey.
If you took a moment to read the other items here, you might have noticed that I've routinely lit into McCain for his mushy liberalism and refer to the GOP as the Stupid Party. The GOP that was around in '94 ain't the sad losers who are running most of the show now. I posted earlier this year that I didn't like any of the Stupid Party candidates much and if Hillary! was the nominee I wouldn't be as terrified for the safety of the nation because she's at least pretended to be concerned about such things.
Unfortunately, just because the Stupid Party sucks donkeys doesn't mean we should hand the shebang over to the donkey party. Democrats have forever forfeited eligibility to hold the keys to the kingdom with their feckless and treasonous behavior after 9/11. To surrender the war now in order to suck up to Europe would endanger the whole of Western Civilization and since Obama has promised surrender, he must not be elected.
I know a lot of you liberals are afraid that if your guy doesn't get in, you won't be able to enact your fascist Utopian schemes via the fiat of the Supreme Court, but that's tough darts. You want socialism, get it via the method they taught us on Schoolhouse Rock, not with five unelected men in black. As the Kelo decision showed, they can give government power to rob citizens of their property in order to pay off the connected cronies and you want more of this liberal fascism?!? Really?!?
If you want to hide back where 99% of the population won't challenge you to think outside your little box of fear, go ahead. All sane debate is welcome on Dirkworld, but no one gets a free pass on BS.
Your ball, your field, your BS. Enjoy the game.
And the liberal runs away because she's challenged on her rhetoric. This is why Obama mustn't be elected: He will run away and appease every bully in the world rather than stand up for the country he's supposed to lead. The Left considers this citizen of the world crap "enlightened" or some such rot and this commenter has said as much upstream here with her distaste for Palin's unashamed love of her country.
Patriotism has been perverted by the Michael Moores and George Clooneys of the world into meaning what used to be called treason. Not hating your country is jingoistic. JFK would've been vilified as a neocon warmonger by today's fascist Democrats which shows you how dangerous they've become and why power must be denied them until they get over their goals of committing national suicide in order to curry favor with the envious nations that despise us.
If walking around not hating my country and not wishing I was in Europe so I can be amongst fellow fascist-socialists is wrong, then I don't want to be right.
Maybe one day, an intellectually honest liberal will stop by to discuss the issues. You clearly aren't up to it. Ta!
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