Based on the prostitutes' voter registration cards, they're destined to become Obama girls in November. That's because 78 percent of them registered as Democrats. Countywide, Dems make up only about 62 percent of voters, according to the Division of Elections.Any questions now as to why the Dems want to allow convicted felons to vote?
The Illinois senator also has the advantage with local "johns" -- 72 percent go Democratic. And convicted pimps: Four out of every five register Democratic. And for the most special of special interest groups -- male transvestite hookers -- they're batting a thousand for Dems, albeit in drag.
"For years and years we had politicians paying too much attention to hookers, so it's great to finally see hookers paying attention to politics," said Dan Fee, a top Philadelphia Democratic consultant who helped Obama's Pennsylvania primary campaign.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Four out of Five Pimps Register Democratic!
Smacked down by Dirk Belligerent at 2:25 AM
File Under: politics, weird news
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