In case you doubted the raging hatred liberals have for those who don't goosestep properly:
Flip the script: Imagine if a non-liberal had a bumper sticker that slammed a liberal as being sub-human. Wouldn't that be treated with howls of protest? But misogyny toward conservative women is A-OK to the "feminist" Left.
Don't you just love the irony of the bumper sticker on the same car as the Christian fish symbol.
The little Christian fish underneath makes it sadder. One would have expected legs...
reluctantoptimist: "Don't you just love the irony of the bumper sticker on the same car as the Christian fish symbol."
The self-righteous tend to have difficulty detecting hypocrisy in themselves.
Where's her "Christians for thousands more abortions" bumper sticker? That is the result of voting for Obama. Not a legacy I'd want to face my Maker with.
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