According to Google Maps, my morning commute should be about 35 minutes. Thanks to the edge of the latest national blizzard coming along during the morning rush, it took me nearly 1-1/2 hours. Ridiculous and further proof that global warming lunatics need to be taken out onto a frozen lake and drowned in some ice fisherman's hole. Seriously, if someone came up to me asking to invest in their unicorn ranch, I'd reach for my wallet before I gave a single farthing to any of the scams Al Gore and his ManBearPig worshipers proposed.
The reason for relating this latest tale of snowy Michigan weather as it relates to the fear-mongering of the ManBearPiggies is this Power Line item, "The Name Is A Clue", which discusses al-Associated Press' utter confusion about the sightings of the snowy owl - get that? SNOWy owl? - farther and farther south.
Now, snowy owls like cold weather. They are white in order to blend in with snow:As I've mentioned here before, to these psychos, EVERYTHING is "proof" of ManBearPig: it gets warm, it's proof that we're gonna die unless we do what the Goreacle commands; if it snows, it's proof that we're gonna die unless we do what the Goreacle commands. They're like little children playing "Heads, I win; tails, you lose! Ha-ha!"
So, why might they be moving south these days? Obviously, because the weather has been getting colder. Global temperatures peaked a decade ago, and this year has seen snow and cold temperatures dipping into the southern states. Here is another story the AP reported on today:LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - Well over a million people shivered in ice-bound homes across the country Wednesday, waiting for warmer weather and for utility crews to restring power lines brought down by a storm that killed 23 as it took a snowy, icy journey from the Southern Plains to the East Coast. But with temperatures plunging, utility officials warned that it could be mid-February before electricity is restored to some of the hardest-hit places. The worst of the power failures were in Kentucky, Arkansas and Ohio.But this simple explanation--snowy owls are following cold weather and snow southward--escapes the Associated Press. To the AP, the owl's behavior is a mystery. Maybe a shortage of lemmings is driving the owls south? But no! The lemming population is thriving. That being the case, it's an insoluble puzzle. The obvious explanation, cold weather, is unmentionable.
What's doubly absurd about this is that when species have moved North, the AP and other news outlets have robotically attributed the migration to global warming. Like moths, opossums, and various flora and fauna.
In 1974, when armadillos were moving southward, Time magazine saw a "telltale sign" of global cooling that threatened the survival of humankind. But that was then, and this is now. The media are trying to sell global warming rather than global cooling these days, so if a cold-loving animal packs up and moves south, it can only be a mystery.
Too bad the science is bogus and the books are being cooked in order to create the illusion that the planet is cooking.
In 1995, I published a short paper in the academic journal Science. In that study, I reviewed how borehole temperature data recorded a warming of about one degree Celsius in North America over the last 100 to 150 years. The week the article appeared, I was contacted by a reporter for National Public Radio. He offered to interview me, but only if I would state that the warming was due to human activity. When I refused to do so, he hung up on me.The problem sane and truth-seeking people have in arguing this issue is that the facts, like the above link, tend to be technical and complicated to understand, while the delusional ravings of the doomsayers are fronted by vacuous pretty-boys like Leo DiCaprio and awarded Oscars and Nobel Prizes by coreligionists. I've always said that a well-told lie will beat a badly-told truth and in this case, ain't that the truth, Ruth!
I had another interesting experience around the time my paper in Science was published. I received an astonishing email from a major researcher in the area of climate change. He said, “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period.” (Emphases in the original.)
"Thanks to the edge of the latest national blizzard coming along during the morning rush, it took me nearly 1-1/2 hours. Ridiculous and further proof that global warming lunatics need to be taken out onto a frozen lake and drowned in some ice fisherman's hole."
Again with the anecdotal evidence. "There's a blizzard in my area, global warming is a lie!"
Now I guess you can deny that is what you just said. What a maroon! I bought a snowblower 3 winters ago and I haven't had to use it once because there hasn't been enough snow. Aha! Global warming is here!
You see how that works, you ideologically blinkered toolbag?
Where do you live where there isn't any snow, you rude asstackler? They're skidding on ice in Texas, so it appears to me that you're posting from Cuba (Fidel, is that you?) or some other climate that doesn't get much snow. Maybe you're angry that you mistakenly bought a snow blower when you thought it was a Jet Ski?
It's also noteworthy that you're attacking the straw man of my anecdote while ignoring the FACTS that the snowy owl is moving southward and the vaunted "hockey stick" graph is bogus junk science meant to frighten people into doing what the fraudulent Goreacle wants.
Typical liberal behavior: when the facts are against you, make it a personal fight over other issues to distract from your fail status in the actual topic. We see how that works, you ideologically-blinkered and desperate toolbag. Don't you tire of humiliating yourself with your dishonest tactics. I feel like Diogenes; searching the world for a polite and honest liberal.
I live in New Jersey. I didn't say there wasn't any snow, I said there wasn't enough to use a snowblower. If it's an inch or two then I might as well use the shovel. We have actually had only 1 snowfall more than that and this is the third winter in a row. The only big snowfall was the year before last. We got snow yesterday but then it turned to rain. Rain in late January! OMG! GLOBAL WARMING IS HERE!
"But this simple explanation--snowy owls are following cold weather and snow southward--escapes the Associated Press."
What an idiot! I guess you are an idiot for reprinting this? Who knows what the explanation is? Maybe they are heading moving south because there is a shortage of their source of food? You see, I don't know because I haven't studied the problem. I don't throw around conclusions based on nothing - like you and the author of that piece.
"It's also noteworthy that you're attacking the straw man of my anecdote while ignoring the FACTS that the snowy owl is moving southward"
It may be a fact that the owl is moving south, but do you know why? NO! You just draw the conclusion you like from that fact. Dirk science in a nutshell.
Did I say global warming is a fact? NO! Are you imputing that belief to me? YES! How would I know? I don't know. How do you know? YOU DON'T KNOW. You just choose to believe the opposite of the Democrats and you pick your science from there. That's not science. That's being a toolbag and a puppet of the right wing, which is what you are.
I know I'm finally getting back on my feet after having the flu for the past 5 days because I'm happily letting you embarrass yourself in these little temper tantrums you're pitching. You're a little bright spot of dimness on a cold, gray winter's afternoon.
How have you given yourself a wedgie again? Here's how: You bleated, "Who knows what the explanation is? Maybe they are heading moving south because there is a shortage of their source of food? You see, I don't know because I haven't studied the problem."
In your haste to rush and call me a "toolbag" and "puppet of the right-wing" - you forgot "neocon fascist" - you must've been too distracted to actual READ ALL THE WORDS, including the part saying...
"Maybe a shortage of lemmings is driving the owls south? But no! The lemming population is thriving."
What a maroon you are. You really, really should quit while you're behind because all you're doing is providing actual living examples of the raging lunacy and hypocrisy of liberals.
As for your "You just choose to believe the opposite of the Democrats and you pick your science from there." comment. Um, did you forget that the woeful and pathetic John McCain is a ManBearPig believer, too. (The media made a big deal out of how Moose-Slayer disagreed, thus adding to her pluses and showing she should've been the top of the ticket over the ol' Dem punk, er, "Maverick".)
Enviro-whackoism is a bi-partisan religion; Dems just tend to latch onto it more because it's an avenue for them to exert more control over our lives. Heck, I'd wager that some Dems only say they believe in ManBearPig in order to sell fascism as salvation. (It's like pretending to like Coldplay in order to f*ck that cute girl in your English Lit class when you'd rather jam screwdrivers in your ears.)
You're still a blinkered asstackler and a parrot of the Left's shibboleths. Come back only when you've got an argument that's not so easily smacked down and some manners.
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